st patrick’s day recipes

Even though I am not Irish, not even a little bit, I can’t help but love St Patrick’s Day and all the fun that comes along with it. Of course the way I celebrate this holiday has changed quite dramatically over the years [I no longer smell like Guinness on the 18th] but I still find a way to partake, even if it’s only with my coffee.

I’ve gathered some of the blog’s past recipes featuring either Guinness or Irish cream or both! My personal favorite is the traditional Irish coffee, with the stout ice cream being a close second. Hopefully there is something here that suits your fancy and you go Irish this week: 031116_st_patricks_recipes1Coffee Stout Ice Cream with Chocolate Covered Pretzels/2Irish Cream Mocha Thumbprints/3Traditional Irish Coffee/4Guinness Chocolate Cake with Irish Cream Buttercream/5Homemade Irish Cream/6Boozy Guinness Pretzel Truffles

There are an alarming amount of Irish cream recipes on this blog… Some may see that as a bad thing but I am thinking job well done PPJ, job well done.

Have a wonderful St Patrick’s Day!


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easy ways to tulip

Easy Ways to Arrange TulipsTulips are undoubtedly my favorite flower on the planet. As a child they were the signal that my birthday was approaching. Later in life they simply meant a new season was on it’s way…and I love that change.

But the real seal the deal moment came in the spring of 2004. Sticky was living in Madison, WI and the tulips had already bloomed around the capital. It was gorgeous, made even more so by winter’s one last snowfall. Every single tulip was filled with powdered magic. I realize it was not great for their longevity, but I told Sticky it was one of the prettiest things I had ever witnessed. My birthday came less than a month later and the boy “who didn’t want a girlfriend” sent this girl a vase of tulips. I’ve received many more since then but I’ll never forget those 2004 blooms.

Now that you know the lovey dovey part of why I am obsessed with tulips, I want to also let you in on a little secret: They are by far the easiest flowers to arrange and display in your home. Here’s why:

  • They practically arrange themselves. Especially if you cut them so that 2/3 of their length is in the vase and 1/3 hangs out.
  • They are delicate looking yet very sturdy. You can rearrange and fuss with them without needing wire or tape.
  • Little trimming if any is needed. Their leaves are beautiful and add to the arrangement in most cases.
  • Easy care. Room temp water, just barely covering the ends (they don’t like to soak in high water). To get the most out of them trim the ends slightly and replace water everyday.

Now the fun part. 3 super easy ways to arrange your gorgeous tulips:

  1. Take a bunch of tulips (I bought mine at a grocery store) and trim them so that 2/3 of the length will be in cylinder vase, with 1/3 hanging out of vase. Remove one leaf from a stem and wrap around the middle 1/3 of stems. Tie ribbon or twine around that to hold in place. Put flowers in vase with a some water and enjoy!

Easy Ways to Arrange Tulips Easy Ways to Arrange Tulips2. Perfect for when you find one lonely tulip bloomed. Simply cut so that entire length of tulip will fit in jar. Add a little water and enjoy! A line of these across a table would gorgeous. This guy is making my kitchen window happy all by himself though.

Easy Ways to Arrange Tulips3. Find a jar that is not taller than and will fit inside of another vase or container (that is clear). Fill the space in between with your candy, rocks. or anything else that will fit in the space. Trim 2 bunches of tulips to fit the interior jar to the 2/3 in, 1/3 out length. Alternate colors when placing in jar for a more distributed look. Use leaves to cover up any of the top of the jar showing. Pour a little water in the jar with the tulips. This particular version is perfect for Easter. You could also fill with jelly beans or even Peeps!

Easy Ways to Arrange Tulips Easy Ways to Arrange TulipsThere you have it! 3 easy ways to enjoy tulips. Next time you are at the grocery grab a bunch and put some happiness in a vase. It is practically spring after all.



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Clothespin Cookies

Clothespin Cookies
Easter, Christmas, weddings, birthdays, or any day that ends in Y. These little delightful cookies are mother daughter tradition of love for all things celebration related in our house. In fact, I had to get permission to share the recipe, as this one is deeply rooted with mom and I. They get a bad rep for being a time suck, but I assure you, they are worth that first bite of fluffy, creamy, delicate awesomeness. We have it down to a two person make/bake science, but these can definitely be done solo too. (Though, then there is no one to judgmentally gawk at watch how many you sample in the making process.)Clothespin Cookies

I know them as clothespins, but some regions call them lady locks or cream horns. And before you call us clothespin frauds, we did actually use clothes pins to make them once upon time. Since then, we’ve wised up and found wooden rods are far easier, and can be found pretty much anywhere you can find baking supplies. Make sure to season rods with just a little flour (not butter!) in your oven for a first time use. Also, you can cut your time in half and purchase pastry dough ahead of time from a bakery. Just follow the cut, bake, and fill steps after.

Clothespin CookiesClothespin Cookies

Fill those little cuties with any of your favorite frostings, but I prefer our super light mallow like filling. It’s hardly sweet, which is good because these beauts get a dusting of powdered sugar on their final step for a just sweet enough finish.

Clothespin Cookies

Clothespin CookiesLastly, color your frosting to match any occasion if you need to be festive, or leave them white. Believe me, it will not effect their deliciousness. They also pair perfectly with a cup o’ joe, cold glass of milk, cappuccino, wine, motor name it. Equal parts pretty and delicious and they freeze like a dream.

If you don’t eat them all first.

Whether you call them clothespins, lady locks, cream horns, they are always greeted with a big giant YUM in this house. Make them for your next celebration…or for just a day that ends in Y.





1.0 from 1 reviews
Clothespin Cookie dough
Recipe type: cookie
Serves: 3-4 dozen
  • 3½ cups flour
  • 2 tbsp. sugar
  • ½ c. Crisco
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1½ cups warm water
  1. Mix first four ingredients like a pie dough.
  2. Add in your egg/water mixture and mix into a soft dough.
  3. Chill 1-2 hours. Don't skip this step!
  4. Divide dough in half and roll out thin.
  5. Add a thin layer of crisco to the rolled dough. Fold over, add another layer, and once more.
  6. Chill 30 minutes.
  7. Preheat oven 350ºF.
  8. Roll dough out to about ⅛in. thick. It will appear cracked as you roll.
  9. Cut dough into 1in x 5in. strips. You can eyeball this and be just fine. The wider or longer your strips, the longer or larger your cookie.
  10. Roll on to your rods overlapping as you go. Secure the end with a dab of water.
  11. Place on parchment lined cookie sheets.
  12. Bake 12-15 minutes, or until tops are just slightly golden. Cookies will bake faster as your rods heat after the first batch.
  13. Let sit a few minutes so you don't burn your hands off, then slide off the rods.
  14. Once cooled, fill with frosting by pastry bag or ziplock.
  15. Dust with powdered sugar.
  16. Store in airtight container in refrigerator or freeze.

1.0 from 1 reviews
Clothespin Cookie Frosting
Recipe type: frosting
  • 1 cup unsalted butter
  • ¾ cup crisco
  • 2 tsp. vanilla extract
  • (2) 16oz. marshmallow fluffs
  • Optional powdered sugar to taste
  1. Cream together butter and crisco in standing or handheld mixer.
  2. Add vanilla. Mix.
  3. Add marshmallow and mix on medium until light and fluffy.
  4. Sprinkle in a pinch of powdered sugar to taste, or leave it out depending on sweetness.

Clothespin Cookies
Posted in cookies, Easter, recipes, something sweet | Tagged | 19 Comments

diy at home pampering

This spring weather has me itching to get rid of the old and freshen up the existing.. which includes my skin. Last night I was scouring the internet for a mask that I could try and then review. I found a few (that I would love to try), but then it dawned on me that I already had mask ready items in my kitchen. So no amazon shopping for me this day. (There’s always tomorrow!)

I often forget about some of the at home beauty treatments I have posted. It’s a shame because I really love a lot of these (especially the lemon scrub and grapefruit mask). If you have forgotten about them too let’s refresh together with some of the ones perfect for this time of year:

030816_pampering1Grapefruit Mask/2Lemon Facial Scrub/3Banana Oatmeal Mask/4Lemon & Green Tea Green Tea Face Mask/5Avocado Banana Hair Mask/6Blueberry Smoothie Face Mask

Have a favorite diy treatment or pre-made mask you are using? Would love to know all about them! Comment below!



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it’s like spring, but still winter

Today was one of those days that was jammed packed with appointments and things to do…and the funny thing is, I loved every single second of it. I was having a “check what things I have done” sort of attitude instead of a “look at all the things I have to do” one. Whatever got into me hopefully sticks around for a long long time. [I wish I could say it was the hat but I wear them almost everyday so we can rule that out.]

Black Tee, Hat, Ankle Boots Black Tee, Hat, Ankle BootsThis winter has definitely been a strange one. Couple days of winter.. followed by 5 days to a week of early spring has been the pattern since the 1st of the year. I am certainly not complaining, especially now that spring is officially near. (Even though I have a pair of beautiful snow boots feeling neglected.) But it has been odd to romp around in a jacket as opposed to a parka for the past couple of months.

This is another go-to, nothing out of my comfort zone sort of look. That black tee guys… good golly is it fabulous. And those booties are crazy comfortable. Hats are obviously a favorite necessity of mine. Might be because I wash my hair like once a decade. If you think I look awful in them, please save my soul and keep that dreadful info to yourself. I have a deep routed relationship with my hats and I am not sure I would survive the heartbreak.

Black Tee, Hat, Ankle Boots Black Tee, Hat, Ankle Boots|WEARING| military jacket similar/H&M black tee/hat similar/jeans similar/boots similar

Cheers to busy Mondays that don’t suck!



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