2016 winter hair

Blogger hair, mom hair, Kardashian hair…call it what you want the lob is holding strong. Meanwhile I am holding onto the same long hair I have had since before my children were born. Aka the official 2009-2013 “blogger, mom, Kardashian hair”..you know, before everyone started lobbing.

I am not sure whether or not I am ready for the scissors. Last time I made a dramatic cut was based on the drastic haircut of someone who was married to Tom Cruise at the time. Clearly she was not in her right mind…so yeah, copy her hair…that’s a wise decision. Truthfully, I didn’t hate the cut. My heart wanted a change and change is what I got. My heart hasn’t felt that same need since, yet I am beginning to feel like my long tresses are a bit of a drag for everyone who has had to look at them the last 8 years. Myself included at times…

So here I am again, kind of drooling over hairstyles yet not officially committing. Lauren’s messy bob is everywhere and would be perfect for those of you wanting to go shorter with your lobs. I love the fringe but the maintenance of the bangs makes me hesitate. I do not have the face to pull off blunt bangs with long hair like Cece (I know her name is Hannah but she will always be Cecei to me) but somebody out there reading this does and should. If my hair was naturally straighter I think a blunt lob would be fantabulous. (I think a longer version of this would be even better.) The flipped crop gets a big “oh hell no” from me but you know who you are…you delicate faced, look like Tinkerbell’s biological sister….please do this so the rest of us can admire you. And lastly the deep part with sleek, straight hair. Polished is supposedly coming back for 2016 and I for one wouldn’t mind the change. (But I hate straightening my hair.)

2016 Winter HairstylesThere you have it. 6 amazing styles I will most likely not be rocking. I fully expect a “same old long hair for umpteen years” intervention from my friends and family at some point.

What are you going to rock this winter?



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house sweaters

Over the holiday break I spent sometime cleaning up issues I was having on the blog …things that were making posting more time consuming yet I didn’t have the time to actually fix them. My mindset was that I’d be going into 2016 with efficiency…all was well until our heater went on the fritz. Next came the internet failure. We had a repairmen in the basement and our service provider on the phone. Fun Monday.

Efficiency plans were foiled but I did not lose my cool over any of it. After 2 weeks of watching “the real” Cinderella (human version) I decided more grace could be added to my life. Of course I am not sure anyone could be as kind as Cinderella in real life (except for maybe Joanna Gaines) but I’ll give it a shot. I’m sure I can keep on track for at least a week…

One great thing about your heater going out is covering your living room in every blanket you own and snuggling hard with your kiddos. We of course didn’t sleep here but someone had to be available on Monday to make sure the repairman could get through the door. I thought the kids would be miserable but they both loved it. Who wouldn’t love a blanket cocoon and movie marathon? If anything we snuck in one extra day of break with our fantastic heat snafu.

Regardless of whether we have heat or not, our house always gets a little chilly this time of year. Now that winter has really set in I am finding myself living in huge chunky throw on sweaters. I like to call them “house sweters” because I rarely wear them outside of my house. Not because I don’t love them…more so because they are so big that I do not have a giant enough winter coat to throw over them.

Nonetheless, they are an essential item to have. Here are some picks for any of you in the market for your very own “house sweater”:

2016 House Sweaters1ASOS coatigan in boucle with hood/2H&M knit turtleneck sweater/3Chicwish oversized turtleneck sweater/4Halogen wool & cashmere drape front cardigan/5Forever 21 marled open-front cardigan/6Old Navy curved hem pull-over sweater

Okay…yes, some of these would be easy to wear under a coat but I added them anyways only because they looked so dang comfy.

A word of warning on oversized sweaters though…they do add nonexistent mass in photos and videos. Be on alert for anyone holding up a phone while wearing. Nothing ruins a cozy mood more than unapproved social media postings where one looks larger than one actually is.

Enjoy your sweaters!



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I remember January 1st, 2015 like it was yesterday. 2014 was one wild ride. An emotional roller coaster filled with the best of the best and the worst of the worst. I was determined to find tranquility in 2015…my soul depended on it. Never one to focus on “a word” for the year, yet “a word” kept slapping me in the face:


This was all on me. My focus was completely out of whack and it needed readjusted immediately. You see, where you invest your time, your heart, your soul should fill you back up in a way that keeps you going every single day. Those investments should not lead to feelings of being overwhelmed, undervalued or the worst, resentful. My words to myself became unkind and my eyes would show me ugly.

I did not find myself in that place because of work, a relationship or an event. This hell hole reserved for me was dug by me. And the way out was clear as day.

As a woman I have that common habit of trying to do it all. Never saying no. Always trying to “fix it”. I was bending over backwards for work, friends, this blog yet not investing that same effort in the people I shared my home with. (Ugh, even now it feels like a punch in the gut to type that out into words.) Investing my 100% self into Sticky, Jettie and Bingham returns a dividend to my soul that is immeasurable.

Did I spend 2015 ignoring the world and only focusing on me and my family? Of course not. But they came second to nothing and I never once felt guilt for it. I filled their cups and they filled mine back up 10 fold.

Then the most amazing thing happened. Anything I did for work or anyone outside of the 4 of us filled me with the sort of joy I was so desperately seeking before I rearranged my priorities. How wonderful for that to work out the way it did.

Since the whole “focus on a word” thing worked out for me in 2015, I can’t help but give it a go again this year. Except I’ve got 2 slapping me in the face this time around:

2015 Resolutions

If you have followed the blog the last few months you know about my postpartum physical issues and relentless back pain. If you have been a follower since the beginning you also know my deep desire to take care of myself, which includes physical fitness. I’d be lying if I didn’t admit to feeling derailed by my current condition. Not being able to get into shape the way that I have always known is incredibly frustrating, yet it’s just another excuse to not do it unless I find a way to remove the frustration from my head.

As cliche as it may seem, my health is a priority this year. I say health over exercise because taking care of oneself goes far beyond exercise. More than anything it is the promise you make to your own soul to be kinder, and more mindful of this body you have been blessed to occupy. I vow patience in learning how to exercise my way back to fitness. And the understanding that there will be adjustments to what works from here on out.

Eating better, resting more peacefully and breathing are on the docket as well. Sounds simple enough yet I am fully aware this will be a challenge. One worth every ounce of my effort.

As for the second word…2015 welcomed a new business venture for Sticky as well as unexpected growth in this blog and even more so, my etsy shop. This was all very exciting for us. Driven by our goals and passions the thrill of it was exhilarating. Of course we were busier but we still made it a priority to spend time as a family and our kids truly seem happy.

There has been a victim in the success and that role lies in our home. The sanctuary that is suppose to make us feel safe and warm. Where stress magically releases from ones shoulders at first foot in. Our sanctuary felt more dark and tense with each passing day. Slowly but surely the attention stolen from it turned into negative attention towards it.

This old, beautiful girl deserves better. Our kids deserve better. We deserve better. It’s as simple as that. Living in the piles of clutter, unfinished projects and dusty corners are not acceptable.

I am okay with untidiness, we have kids after all and there are million other things I’d rather do before OCD-ing the crap out of my home. But every person has a breaking point and mine has been reached. I will spend 2016 focusing on the sanctuary that is our gorgeous home. We are lucky to be a part of her story for this short time we have on earth, and we don’t want to be the chapter that she is most embarrassed by.

The image above is of our dining room’s new chalkboard…it’s placed on a wall that I am trying to fill in a beautiful yet functional way. Feels incredible to have it installed on 01.01.16. Now I just need to fit a workout in and I’ll be on my way to a successful first day of the year.

Cheers to this wondrous day (that could really be any day of the year as long as you’re committed to making a positive change in your life)!



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2015 top 10

So…you guys like cocktails, and a little bit of salad. We are two peas in a pod.

The official top 10 2015 posts are:

2015 Top 10 Posts1Caramel Apple Sangria 2Plum Cake 3Holiday Iced Coffee 4Apple Cider Moscow Mule 5DIY Spaghetti Costume 6Pineapple Margaritas 7Roasted Cauliflower and Chickpea Salad 8Homemade Pretzels 9Strawberry, Avocado & Spinach Salad with Feta & Poppy Seed Dressing 10Vegetarian Quiche

The cocktails do not surprise me (although I did come short of knocking fall sangria off the top all time post spot). #2 though…plum cake – what the????? I always thought plums were undervalued but I am thrilled to be wrong. Of course my fave is #5. A costume I am doomed to never top will at the very least be available for recreation via the internet. To be fair #10 is not actually #10. Sticky and I’s anniversary actually made the spot. (Don’t be embarrassed…I love looking at images of my man too.) Seeing how we are not food, and are not dressed as food, I bumped us for quiche.

What’s in store for 2016? Your guess is as good as mine. Right now I am feeling more health conscious recipes and fitness posts. But mostly I am along for the ride to see what my heart desires to put out there. I’ve got ideas, probably too many, but they are there nonetheless. I can’t thank all of you enough for venturing on this ride with me. If there is ever anything you would love to see posted please shoot me a message.

Cheers to the new year and more cocktails of course!



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belly friends forever

1My last official appointment with the physical therapist has come and gone. The diastatis recti is not completely closed but she felt confident to send me on my way, only wanting an update at the end of January…depending on where my back pain is we will reassess from there.

Thanks to this gap in my belly I have learned a few things: One being that sit-ups are not the way to take care of ones core. The second is that strength lies within being honest with yourself and others, specifically your care providers, about things that are not the most comfortable to talk about. And lastly, my body is not going to do what I want it to do by simply powering through a diet and workout plan and not loving it [my body] along the way.

We played “Family Feud” at a recent gathering. (My BIL is all about games, he has even conjured up a few himself.) One of the surveys was something like “Name something people avoid looking at when they feel fat.” I kept whispering “stomach, stomach, stomach” to my mother in law. It was the very first thing that popped in my head for this reason and this reason only…I hate my stomach.

I have always envied those of you with long torsos and athletic, yet not too athletic flat stomachs. When you sit there’s no lifting of the front of your pants because there is no “flop” to tuck in. At my thinnest and most fit I still have flop to call my own…post 2 kiddos and naturally, that flop is slightly bigger. (Squishier too.)

This belly of mine beats me up on a regular basis. Every time I sit the “flop” rears it’s ugly head. The diastatis recti has it protruding more than normal, especially if I have not worn my binder in a couple of days…so much so that I was asked if I was expecting the other day (the exact words were “Is that a baby?” as the person’s hand touched my belly. That was definitely an “I want to disappear” moment.)

Here’s the thing though, if I hate my belly it’s going to hate me right back. So instead I am determined to mend the friendship between me and my gut. Forgive myself for eating the junk the last few days and not allow unwarranted comments deflate my determination. Our core is our center, the main workhorse of our bodies. Without it we would be as limp as a marionette puppet. I feel lucky to have a core and ashamed that I ever despised or ignored it.

Are you going to see me in a 2 piece anytime soon? Hell no. I don’t like those things even when I do feel awesomely fit. What I am hoping you will see is someone who feels more confident and more in charge of my health. Learning how to correct and ultimately live with controlling this diastatis recti has been such an eyeopener for me and how I view my body. As much as I would love not to have this issue in my core, I am grateful that it is there to force me to focus on it’s overall well being.

IMG_8368So, by the end of January I hope to report strong core, little back pain and BFF status between me and my tummy.






PS I wasn’t about to post a pic of my belly, but I opted for the 2 cutest ones I have ever laid eyes on. Jettie’s toddler belly game was beyond legit!

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