easter on the island 2016

4 years ago we unknowingly started a tradition of spending Easter on Kelleys Island. Unfortunately our streak was broken in 2015 by a bitter cold winter and a waffling ferry schedule. With Bingham having not yet experienced an egg hunt via lakeside, we were determined to make it up to Kelleys this time around. I for one could not be more grateful that we did.

Easter 2016There’s just something about that first trip to the island of the year. Sure it’s a little cool, only a fraction of the restaurants are open and the trees are bare as can be. But there’s still that promise of gorgeous lake days to come… filled with coffee by the waves, long weekend walks and relaxing in a way that one can only do while on island time.

We missed Sticky for most of the weekend because he had to work Friday and Saturday. Of course he could of stayed home on Sunday…but then he would have missed his kids dominate an egg hunt. That is worth getting up at 5AM to catch a ferry anytime, any day.

I hope all of you had a fantastic Easter weekend!





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brunch considerations

The weekend is here! I don’t know what it is about Spring that gets me in the mood for brunch (and that’s SUPER in the mood since I truly could brunch 365 days a year) but I crave it from the time Monday comes till it’s on my table the coming Saturday. There’s sweet, there’s savory, there’s usually always a cocktail. It’s got everything, for everyone. The best meal ever, hands down, forever and ever. I HEART BRUNCH.

While PPJ offers many options for brunch, I have rounded up a few favorites for this time of year in particular:


1shaved asparagus pizza/2strawberry, avocado & spinach salad with feta and poppy seed dressing/3tomato galette/4vegetarian quiche/5waffles with roasted balsamic strawberry sauce/6asparagus, spinach & feta fritata

Cheers to the weekend and brunch!






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for the love of names

Often times posts are not instant big hits for the blog unless they are super personal or featured on a well trafficked site at some point. Last month’s baby name post was a big hit for neither of the usual reasons…which tells me you guys and me love us some baby names. We get each other, and I love that.

I want to keep the ball rolling and feature a few more moms and the stories behind their babe’s names:

McCormickKids_1Kristie, a teacher and mom of Landen, Callen & Madden

“When it comes to kids’ names, we like a mix of modern and traditional. We like a modern first name but not one that is overused or extremely popular. The more traditional part of our kids’ names comes in the form of their middle, or baptismal, names. My husband and I both have saints’ names for middle names, and we continued that tradition with our children. In addition, we also liked the idea of honoring family members through middle names.

With our first, we found out we were expecting a girl and chose the name Landen Rose. I had heard of a girl named Landen many years prior and thought it was unique. It was at this time, that I realized I absolutely loved names traditionally held by boys for girls. Give me just about any boy name, and I think it sounds adorable for a girl. The middle name Rose actually worked double-duty because it was my maiden name and my husband’s grandmother’s name, so a family tie on both sides was nice.

For our son Callen Patrick, we did not know his gender before he was born. So when we went to the hospital, we were planning on the names Colbie for a girl and Callen for a boy. I encountered the name Callen on a TV show before I ever had any children. As soon as I heard it, I knew it was our boy name. His middle name is a tribute to my father-in-law.

Our littlest, Madden Michael, posed the biggest debate for us. If he were a girl, we would have had him named twenty times over. We had girl names for days. However, this SECOND boy threw us for a loop. Although we hadn’t planned on having all of our kids’ names ending the same way, with the -en sound, it certainly felt like we needed to continue what we had started. We debated three names for months, none of which we were in LOVE with and that frustrated me. Finally, I woke from a nap during my third trimester with the name Madden on the tip of my tongue and knew it was perfect. [Why I hadn’t just checked my Steve Madden shoes for a little baby name help, I have now clue!] The middle name Michael actually came while we were waiting on induction at the hospital. His planned middle name just didn’t have the right ring to it, so at the last minute we decided to use my husband’s middle name, Michael.”

Also considered:

[Blake, Colbie & Graycen (girls); Brennan, Cason & Camden (boys)]

clyde_fall2015_05Jordanne, mom of daughters Althea & Vada

“Finding the perfect name was exciting, stressful, and became what seemed like a full time job, but I loved every second of it! We knew we wanted something different but not too different, something classic or vintage, and that no one we knew or knew of had used. Early on we both loved the name Vada but we weren’t set on it. It seemed too easy, like how could this be the name there are still several months until she arrives. After searching and searching I came across the name Althea on a baby name chart from 1880 to the early 1900’s. I called my husband at work and he loved it, and that was it. We told ourselves that if we ever had another girl maybe she would be Vada. Luckily second time around we got another girl and the name Vada just felt right the whole time. Although if Vada would have been a boy we loved the name Urban. (Sorry Urban Meyer, at the time I didn’t even know who you were).

I think we struggled most with middle names with both girls. Monroe was on our list of first names and we ended up liking how it sounded as a middle name. Our first baby girl was named, Althea Monroe. Vada was more difficult to pair with a middle name. Thanks to Brandy J for suggesting Berlynn to me after she saw it on another blog. We had our second baby girl named, Vada Berlynn.

(We still have one more girl name that is top secret, that we adore, but it might have to turn into a future pets name!)”

Loved but didn’t make the cut:

[Busy & Harlow]

12896431_10208374767554026_1661388463_oEbany, mom of Cash, Maverik, Azalea & Zetta

“I always knew that if I was blessed with children, I wanted their names to be unique and meaningful.  I consider my name to be somewhat different and have always loved its unique identity I felt from it, so of course, I wanted the same for my children.

Back in our “dating years” I will never forget when Kyle looked at me and said “if we ever have a boy I want to name him Cash.”  I immediately fell in love it and was smitten over the fact that we shared the same taste in names.  Cash comes from my husbands love for Johnny Cash and his ability to love the downtrodden! So there was no doubt that our first born would be named Cash Michael, Michael is a family name.

Surprise, here comes Baby #2 and we found out it was another boy!  We searched every baby name book and websites.  We came across Maverik, which means “independent” and thats exactly what our Maverik James is!  James is also a family name.  

When we decided to try for baby # 3 it didn’t come as easy as we anticipated.  We lost one precious babe along the way and shortly after became pregnant again. This time it was a girl, you can imagine my excitement!  After naming two boys I was on the search for the perfect girls name, which wasn’t an easy task.  I stumbled across Azalea (A-zale-ya), which is a beautiful southern flower and very popular in Florida, a place that holds a very special place in our hearts. It is where Kyle and I reunited and relationship “blossomed” so that sealed the deal on Miss Azalea Kevine (Kev-een).  Kevine is after my father Kevin, who passed away when I was a young.

Fast forward six months and we are back at the name game and the ultrasound confirmed another girl!  Kyle quickly started calling her Zetta, which was the runner up to Azalea.  Although, I wasn’t quite ready to settle, so the search was on.  When the day finally came to meet our girl, Zetta was the one name that I couldn’t let go of.  The fact that daddy had been calling her that for months, may have been the cause.  I loved that Zetta felt like the perfect compliment to sister Azalea. So Zetta Lynae made us a family of six.  Lynae is a version of Lynn after Kyle’s mom.”

Close but no cigar:

[Jagger, Porter, Lenox & Seager (boys); Navy, Creedence, Georgia, Langston, Novah & Joplin (girls)]

Thank you to Kristie, Jordanne and Ebany! Beautiful names for even more beautiful children!

If you would like to be considered to share the story behind your baby names feel free to email me at prettyplainjanes@gmail.com (or click on the envelope in the top right hand corner).



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lemon blueberry ricotta pancakes

Lemon Blueberry Ricotta PancakesAll my life I have used ricotta cheese for lasagna and stuffed shells. And all my life I have thrown out extra ricotta that went bad because quite frankly I did not know how else to use it. Shame on me. I could have been making out of this freaking universe pancakes the entire time. The amount of ricotta I have disrespected makes feel so bad.

Never again ricotta. Never. Again.

Lemon Blueberry Ricotta Pancakes3 days ago if you would have asked me what my favorite kind of pancakes were I would have said hands down buttermilk. And while I will always love them, they now have some serious competition.

These pancakes are so puffy. The kind of puffy that doesn’t go away after they are cooked. Every single bite is filled with a perfect, fluffy, lemony texture that basically sends your taste buds into dream world. And when you get a bite with a berry in it….just forget about it, you are officially in pancake heaven and are not to be disturbed until further notice.

[Jettie back at the assistant job below. I asked her if she could pour syrup on top for me and she basically sprinted to the task. Who wouldn’t, right?]

Lemon Blueberry Ricotta Pancakes Lemon Blueberry Ricotta PancakesCocktails are my favorite food items to photograph….well, they were. Now I want to shoot stacks of pancakes all day long.

Lemon Blueberry Ricotta Pancakes Lemon Blueberry Ricotta PancakesThere could not be a better time to try these gems then this upcoming Easter weekend! Good news is they are so incredibly easy to make and even more incredibly delicious. You and your guests will be in pancake land together… add mimosa sangria and you’ve got yourself the perfect brunch.




lemon blueberry ricotta pancakes
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Serves: 4
  • 1½cups all purpose flour
  • 2tsp baking powder
  • ½tsp baking soda
  • ¼tsp kosher salt
  • ¼cup granulated sugar
  • 1cup ricotta cheese (whole or part skim)
  • ¾cup milk (I used almond)
  • 2 large eggs lightly whisked
  • zest of one lemon
  • juice of one lemon
  • ¼tsp vanilla
  • ¾cup fresh blueberries
  • butter for griddle or pan
  • syrup and more blueberries for serving
  1. Place flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt and sugar in a large bowl and whisk together.
  2. Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients and add ricotta, milk, egg, lemon zest, lemon juice and vanilla. Stir with a rubber spatula very carefully until just incorporated. You do not want to over mix here. Add the blueberries and ever so gently fold in.
  3. Heat a griddle or pan over medium heat. Add a pat of butter and let it melt all over surface. In about ¼cup portions (I use a large ice cream scoop) drop the batter onto the pan. Spread just a little, but not too much. Once bubbles begin to form on the top of pancake flip and cook for another minute or so. Serve warm with syrup and/or blueberries.

Lemon Blueberry Ricotta Pancakes
Posted in breakfast, brunch, Easter, holidays, recipes, something sweet | Tagged | 1 Comment

flower lip gloss and lip tint review

A couple of month’s ago my friend Jordanne mentioned loving the Flower blush. I had not yet tried Drew Barrymore’s economic line at Wal-mart but getting a green light from a trusted makeup lover I knew I had to. My intention was the blush but for whatever reason the mood wasn’t right and I went with lips instead:

Flower Lip Gloss & Tint ReviewFirst up the Flower Shine On Lip Gloss in Baby’s Breath.

LOVE it! I can’t believe how much I love it. Goes on nicely, doesn’t dry out my lips and stays put pretty decently. [It is under $7 so I do give it a little wiggle room.] It does have a slight floral scent but not offensive, and I am very sensitive to those things so that’s saying something. If I had to nit-pick it would be that in order to get to the gloss you have to remove a sticker that leaves a sticky residue. But again, that’s being getting picky… I would buy again for sure.

The Baby’s Breath color is definitely a nude with a hint of pink. It’s beautiful and something I can see working on most skin tones.

flower_2Next up the Flower Sheer Up Lip Tint in Dewey Rose.

First off the color looks nothing like the online product shot. It is a bright red with a teeny tiny bit of orange. “Tint” may be a loose description of this particular color. It definitely goes on brighter than I thought it would. I do like it though. Doesn’t stay on all that great, but a bit of powder on top helps that out quite substantially.

While I do like the tint I have to admit I like the gloss better. I am however not opposed to trying a different shade of the tint, I want to be a red lip girl but I am just not sure it’s in me.

Every try the Flower brand? Share your experience with us!



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