For the last couple of years I have noticed a little dark spot on the outside of my eyelid. As the days have gone buy I am noticing more dark somethings and quite frankly they are not my favorite things in the world. It has been awhile since I have done an at home mask, and really I have never done one that focuses on dark spots. In my research I was thrilled to find not only an easy DIY treatment but one that contains only 2 ingredients that are mainstays in our home.
I love potatoes and so does everyone else in my home. (Seriously, who doesn’t love a potato in some form or another?!) Now I love them even more finding out how many benefits there are for the skin.
Potatoes are rich in Potassium, Vitamin B6, Calcium, Magnesium and most importantly (and most abundantly) Vitamin C. These nutrients will hydrate the skin, promote new cell growth, maintain firmness and lighten dark areas.
While I have not used the mask enough to say that it works wonders on the dark spots..I will say my face feels amazing after each treatment.
Here is what you need:
- 1/2 grated potato
- 2tbsp of PLAIN yogurt
Mix the 2 ingredients together in a small bowl and apply to face, avoiding eyes and other sensitive areas. Allow to set of 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water first, and then cool, and pat dry with a clean towel. Mask must be used shortly after making due to the oxidation of the potato.
If you do not have yogurt but are looking for some under eye dark circle treatment, grate a potato and squeeze the juice through a cheesecloth. Use the juice as a toner underneath your eyes. For more ways to use your potatoes on your skin check out Beauty Munsta.
I will keep you posted on how those pesky spots are doing!