peach oat bars

Peach Oat BarsWe had one of those magical snowfalls this morning. The perfect setting for cozy spots and large cups of coffee. I would have loved to gaze out the window and watch that dreamy scene outside…but instead I was white-knuckled in my car with my 2 babies.

The snow did not look too threatening, which is why I didn’t think twice about driving the kids to Bingham’s doctor appointment. Of course once we got 10 minutes down the highway I realized I was in winter hell with that perfect temperature that turns snow to ice as soon as it hits asphalt. My conversation with Jettie was cool and calm but the voice in my head needed a double dose of Xanax. I nearly kissed the ground when we arrived safely.

Thankfully the temperature changed while we were inside and the drive home was cake. Jettie asked what we were going to do the rest of the afternoon and I told her we were making these bars and getting snuggly. To which she replied… “Sounds great, just wish they were Starbucks cherry bars.”

Can’t please them all, can you? (Although those Starbucks bars are delicious…and so are these.)

Peach Oat BarsThis recipe came straight from the cranberry oatmeal bars I made last September. The orange was eliminated however, and I did swap the cranberries for peaches obviously. This version is also much simpler, especially if you use peach preserves instead of making your own filling from scratch. If you are looking for something quick, that requires very few ingredients, this if for you.

Peach Oat BarsI used up some peaches we froze from last summer for my bars. What a treat it was to have the sweet, peach taste in the middle of January. Of course now I can’t stop thinking about the cherry bars…coming soon I am sure.




Peach Oat Bars
peach oat bars
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Serves: 9
  • 1cup all purpose flour
  • 1cup old fashioned oats
  • ½cup brown sugar
  • ¼tsp kosher salt
  • ¼tsp cinnamon
  • ¼tsp baking soda
  • 6tbsp melted butter
  • 1½cup peach preserves (can also place 2cups frozen sliced peaches in a saucepan with ¼cup sugar and juice of ½ lemon. Bring to a bowl and allow to simmer for 10 to 15 minutes or until peaches have broken down. Allow to cool completely before using.)
  1. Preheat oven 325ºF and line an 8X8 baking dish with parchment paper.
  2. Mix flour, oats, brown sugar, salt, cinnamon and baking soda in a bowl. Add butter and combine with hands. Mixture will be crumbly.
  3. Reserve ¾cup of the flour/oat mixture and press the rest evenly into the bottom of the prepared baking dish. Spread peaches evenly on top of that and sprinkle remaining flour/oat mixture over the peaches.
  4. Bake on middle rack for 40 minutes. Allow to cool completely in the pan on a wire rack. Store in airtight container in the fridge for up to a week. Enjoy!
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sorel sorel sorel

2 holidays ago Sticky got me a coat for Christmas. A beautiful coat that I really wanted. What he nor I knew was that said coat ran really, really, really small. Like so small that it almost felt like a cruel joke. Any other year I would have probably laughed it off and went on my holly jolly way. But that particular Christmas I was 6 months post partum. I basically wanted to throw the flipping tiny coat in the fireplace and punch a reindeer in the face.

My man’s reaction…”I should have got the damn boots you asked for.”

And that’s just what he did last December. I have wanted Sorels to call my own for as long as I can remember. Opening up that box completely depleted the awful Smurf size coat fiasco. I am sure Santa could hear Sticky’s sigh of relief all the way up from the North Pole.

I have been breaking in my fancy new snow boots since December 25th. I am not kidding when I say these bad boys live up to all the hype and then some. They are so, so warm….and after you get over the initial “big foot” feeling, you will love the way they look so perfectly winter chic. There are many ways to sport your Sorels…this is my favorite for super frigid days:Sorel Boot LookSOREL Joan of Arctic Boot 1Thug Life Shirts “I Am Freaking Cold” sweatshirt/2H&M long jersey tank top/3ASOS short turn up beanie with ball/4Forever 21 faux fur puffer parka/5J Crew toothpick jeans/6ASOS oversized geo scarf/7Old Navy marled boot socks

You did good babe, you did good.



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“penguin” party inspiration

I am by no means a planner…well I sort of am if trumping up all sorts of ideas is considered planning. Timely execution on the other hand is not my forte. Right now I am dreaming of 2 birthday parties. Events that will not be taking place for another solid 4 months. Jettie and I talk about her and Bing’s parties on a daily basis. I have created a monster and I couldn’t be more proud. (I realize I may eat those words in a few months.)

One of the reasons I love my etsy shop so much is that I get to have a small hand in other celebrations. I especially love this time of year because having no winter babies of my own, means no fun frosty themes for me. Luckily, my oh so fab clients request custom designs and just like that, I am creating a penguin theme invite!

This guy could not have been more enjoyable to put together. What’s cuter than a penguin? Not many things. And the word “waddle” – does a word get more perfect for a ONE year old? While we are on the word waddle how perfect would this be for a baby shower…or a gender reveal. “Waddle it be?” UGH! I can’t take it!

Someone I know needs to have a penguin party STAT! Here’s some beyond cute things to inspire you:

Penguin Party Ideas1party animal t-shit Celebrate Always Shop/2penguin balloon tutorial HWTM/3fish cookies The Bearfoot Baker/4penguin cake Tumblr/5penguin soft toy Smallable/6penguin iphone case TripleShop/7penguin decoration Not on the High Street/8arctic party table Bird’s Party


As are all the shop’s invites, the colors can be customized to fit your party theme. There is also a script font version of this invite to pretty it up a bit.

Find this and many more fun, bold, fresh party invites/decor at the PPJ Shop!

Cheers to penguins!


Posted in etsy shop, let's celebrate, party storyboard | Tagged | Leave a comment

our date with disney

I hereby apologize for the plethora of mini images. I figured over 100 little images was better than 50 regular size. Regardless…if you chose to roll your eyes and pass on this post I totally understand.

Last November we hopped a plane and landed in Florida for a rendezvous with Mickey and friends. Feels like eons ago that we had our date with magic. And gosh was it full of magic. I’m still slightly bummed that it has come and gone, but I absolutely cannot wait to do it all again someday.

Disney World 2015 Back in my college days I spent a semester working for the mouse. There are so many wonderful things a cast member carries with them after being a part of Disney magic. I learned more in 48 hours of training than I did six months at any other job. I also met wonderful friends who I stay in touch with today, and have made instant connections with strangers just by finding out we were both once cast members.

When you’re 19, and you work at Walt Disney World, you can’t help but look at the beautiful families with ear to ear smiles and daydream what that scene may look like for you someday. I look at these images of my own family and still feel like I’m dreaming. This was as much as a gift to my heart than anyone. To have these amazing humans by my side at a place that unlocked the  journey to knowing and accepting the person I am today. It’s nearly impossible to explain how special this trip was to my soul.

I surmise this is just how Walt wanted to make everyone feel. Indescribable joy and magic.

Disney World 2015

Disney World 2015How does one that used to work at Disney do Disney exactly? There is no right or wrong answer to how anyone does Disney. It all depends on what you want to get out of your stay.

We went it into with a non-rushed, it’s okay if we don’t see everything sort of game plan. We had park passes for 4 days, 3 days to do whatever and a large VRBO that felt like a home. When the kids got tired, we left the park. There was no rushing in the mornings, and no overextending at night. We ate breakfast at our condo most mornings, packed lunches for the parks and grabbed carryout on the way home for easy dinner every evening.

It was exactly what we had hoped for and I would do it the same way in a heartbeat.

Disney World 2015Two things that helped make our trip free of stress was how we saved for it and taking a day for just Sticky and I.

We had diligently put a little money away every month for 2 years prior to our trip. There was no last minute money scrambling, no bills when we arrived home. It was all paid for well before we ever left. This financial planning was huge for us and something we are already implementing for the next trip.

As for the us time, good timing put the Disney trip during the Epcot Food & Wine Festival. We also had my mom and aunt in agreeance to come down for a couple of days and take the kiddos one afternoon so Sticky and I could partake in the festivities. (And them vice versa the next day of course.) I love my kids. I love my kids at Disney. But as someone who has spent a lot of kid free time at Disney in my day, I know how incredible that adult experience is as well. Our afternoon together at Epcot was everything I thought it would be and more. And of course the kids had a great time with their Grandma Kim and Aunt Cool Whip. It was wins all around.

Disney World 2015Those last 2 images are a couple of my favorites. I don’t think anyone sports ears better than Mr Bing…and then there’s my girl. Oh my sweet, beautiful girl. Her head on my lap with a dreams drenched in Disney. There is nothing better.

Thank you, thank you, thank you Disney! For this trip and so much more. Until next time Mickey!



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grapefruit scones

Grapefruit SconesClearly I am obsessed with grapefruit. Last week cake, this week scones…I truly can’t help myself guys. Citrus+sugar+flour+butter = my happy land. (Plus we bought a giant box of grapefruit from my nephew so there’s the whole convenience of it all…)

These scones though. You need to make them. Or don’t…but you’ll totally be missing out on something amazing.

Grapefruit Scones Grapefruit SconesI know I keep saying it but it is worth repeating again and again until I have convinced the universe.

Scones are flipping easy to make.

I wouldn’t lie to you guys about this. Do know though there are 2 simple tricks to scone making: 1Don’t overmix. Ever. In your life. 2Get over the weird, crumbly, wet dough. And it is weird dough but it is exactly the kind of dough that makes perfect, light, fluffy as a cloud scones.

Master these 2 very simple tricks and you are well on your way to scone euphoria.

Grapefruit SconesI can’t decide if I like the cake last week or these bad boys better. I’d give the cake an edge because of the booze but it really is a tough call.

What I do know is that there is a delicately sweet, slightly floral, amazingly yum scone waiting for me and my coffee right now. That’s a win every single time.




5.0 from 2 reviews
grapefruit scones
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Serves: 8
  • For the scones:
  • 1¾cup all purpose flour
  • ¼cup granulated sugar
  • 2½tsp baking powder
  • ¼tsp kosher salt
  • zest from one grapefruit
  • 5tbsp cold butter cut into small cubes
  • ½cup fresh grapefruit juice
  • ¼cup plain yogurt
  • 1 egg
  • 1tbsp milk
  • For the glaze:
  • 1 to 2tbsp fresh grapefruit juice
  • ½cup powdered sugar
  1. Preheat the oven 400ºF. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. Place flour, sugar, baking powder, salt and zest in a food processor and pulse a few times. Add the butter and pulse until the butter is in pea size crumbles (about 8 quick pulses). Dump the contents into a large bowl and add juice and yogurt. Mix with a spatula until just combined. Absolutely no overmixing here otherwise you will have tough scones.
  3. Dump dough onto the prepared baking sheet. Form into an disc, about 1" in thick (it will be anywhere from 6" to 8" in diameter). If dough is really sticky flour your hands a little for better handling. Cut into 8 wedges and separate evenly on the baking sheet.
  4. Whisk egg and milk vigorously together. Brush the top of each scone with egg mixture. Place in oven for 10 to 12 minutes or until bottoms begin to brown and tops are just starting to turn golden. Allow to cool on sheet.
  5. While the scones are baking make glaze but combining the powdered sugar and juice...1 tbsp at a time. If glaze seems too thick add more juice. Too thin add more sugar.
  6. When scones are completely cooled drizzle glaze over the top one. Enjoy!

Grapefruit Scones
Posted in brunch, recipes, something sweet | Tagged | 7 Comments