mini margarita donut muffins

mini margarita donut muffinsYou add “mini” before pretty much any dessert and I am all ears. An itty bitty bite feels like far less of a splurge than a big ol’ piece a cake. Then again after the 4th, 5th, 6th “bite” all that goes out the window.

With all that said popping 6 of these in your mouth would be so easy. Especially if you are using all tequila and no lime juice in the glaze. At that point all reasoning goes out the window because let’s face it, tequila is the eraser of good judgment. [Of course I do not know from experience or anything.]

mini margarita donut muffins mini margarita donut muffinsI call these “margarita” donut muffins because of the lime, tequila, salt combo. You can of course omit the tequila, and the salt if you want, at which point you will have lime donut muffins. Still good of course, and more appropriate for children and those who need to stay at least 10 feet away from tequila at all times. [We all know one or two.]

mini margarita donut muffins mini margarita donut muffins

You may be wondering why these are “donut” muffins. The texture is more of that of a cake donut yet they are delicate like muffins. And obviously baked like muffins. Feel free to simply call them muffins. No one is going to care because you are feeding them sweet, tart, balls of fiesta goodness.

mini margarita donut muffins mini margarita donut muffinsThese would make a perfect Cinco de Mayo treat for coworkers or school (omitting the alcohol of course). My man absolutely loves the glaze and even suggested doubling it and dipping the entire mini muffin. I think that’s a fab idea, just be careful if you are using the tequila. It’s bad enough to have too many margaritas, but I have a feeling it’s worse to have one too many margarita muffins.





mini margarita donut muffins
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
mini margarita donut muffins
Serves: about 40 mini muffins
  • for muffins:
  • 12tbsp unsalted butter, room temperature
  • ¾cup plus 2tbsp sugar
  • 2 large eggs
  • zest of one lime
  • 3cups all-purpose flour
  • 2½tsp baking powder
  • ¼tsp baking soda
  • ¾tsp salt
  • ½cup plus ⅓cup milk (it's easier to measure separately than trying to figure out ⅚cup)
  • 2tbsp fresh lime juice
  • for glaze:
  • 1cup powdered sugar plus more in case you need to thicken glaze
  • 2 to 3tbsp tequila or fresh lime juice or a combination of both, plus more in case you need to thin glaze
  • zest of one lime
  • sea salt (optional)
  1. Place rack in the middle and preheat oven 350°F. Grease and flour a mini muffin tin.
  2. To make muffin cream butter and sugar together in a stand mixer. Be sure to cream until pale, fluffy and you can almost not see the sugar granules. About 5 minutes. Add eggs one at a time, and then lime zest and mix until just blended.
  3. Sift together flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt in a large bowl. Combine milk and lime juice in another bowl. Starting with the dry, pour about ¼ of it into the creamed butter/sugar/eggs. Stir until just combined with wooden spoon. Then add ⅓ of the milk mixture and stir until just combined. Repeat this until all dry and wet have been used - you will end with the dry. Batter will be super thick - always stir until just smooth. Be sure not to over mix. (Very important.)
  4. Scoop batter evenly into muffin tin - batter should fill to the top. I used a mini ice cream scoop. Bake for 8 to 10 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean when inserted in the center of a muffin. Take out of oven and immediately place on wrack to cool completely.
  5. Meanwhile make the glaze by mixing powdered sugar, tequila and/or lime juice and zest in a bowl. Add sugar or juice depending on whether you need it to be thicker or thinner. Dip the top of a completely cooled muffin in glaze. Sprinkle a little sea salt on top and allow to set. Repeat with remaining muffins. Enjoy!

mini margarita donut muffins


Posted in brunch, Cinco de Mayo, holidays, recipes, something sweet | Tagged | Leave a comment

yell, why are you here?

Today I yelled in a way that makes me cringe when the replay button is hit in my mind. The kind of yell that made my child open her eyes wide in shock, then dart down immediately in shame. It was bad, it was ugly, it was everything I never wanted to be as a parent. Yet it happened. Despite all those years telling myself that I would be able to control my temper, it happened. And the worst part is, there’s a good chance it will happen again someday.

Ugh. Don’t you hate those parenting moments? We are running on GO GO GO most days with the schedules to keep, and naps not to be missed, and businesses to run. And most of those days are good. Better than good, they’re great. But all the sudden a moment comes where patience is in some top secret hiding place and Anger from Inside Out is the only person running the control panel.

That was me this afternoon when Jettie got home from school. I won’t go into much detail because this was 100% my fault, but there was whining, whimpering and then bawling. I went from a little annoyed to boiling pretty quickly. It all happened so fast. I know she’s incredibly tired after school, she still takes a nap everyday in fact, but for whatever reason I couldn’t find an ounce of my grace and instead spewed ugly into her world. Before the words completely slipped out of my mouth I felt remorse. She ran to her room and I stood there wondering what on earth compelled me to be so awful to my beautiful girl, her soul so delicate.

After a few minutes I did what probably most of us would do. I sat down with her and apologized. Told her it was not her fault. Wrapped my arms around her and said I love you about a million times. I wish I could take it away, but I can’t. What I can do is let her know that mommy is human. As much as I would love to be perfect I am not. I am going to mess up from time to time. And when these bad moments come around there will always be an “I’m sorry” delivered to whomever is owed one.

She forgave me right away. Her shoulders lifted and her eyes brightened almost instantly. It’s incredible how quickly kids forgive. It took several texts to Sticky and a solid 4 hours of “I am the worst mother ever” playing in my head on repeat to even begin to forgive myself. I am still perturbed with me, and the fact that it happened but again…I am human. If Jettie has the perceived notion that mommy is no good unless she’s perfect, then I am really screwing up this whole motherhood thing.

I remember when we first brought Jettie home from the hospital thinking “I could never be mad at her.” I am not kidding guys…I would literally stand there, stare at her, and think that thought. Makes me laugh now. [And of course when we brought Bing home that thought never even crossed my mind.] Today I am well aware that there are going to be lots and lots of tough moments. But I also know as long as there is love there will be more moments like these…

IMG_5025Good grief do I love those kids. What beautiful and precious gifts they are.






Posted in personal, the rammels | Tagged | 1 Comment

spicy pineapple margaritas

Spicy Pineapple MargaritasI cannot believe we are less than a few weeks from Cinco de Mayo 2016 already! I also cannot believe I have not posted a margarita in almost a year. A year??!! I do not know what I have been doing for almost a year but I have a feeling you will forgive me after a sip this bad boy.

Spicy Pineapple Margaritas Spicy Pineapple MargaritasOne of the margaritas that did make it on the blog last year was an incredible fresh pineapple version. This is basically the same recipe except with a little less sweet and a lot more spice.

I personally love the heat and taste of a jalapeño. It’s not an overpowering spice and has a great peppery, finishing flavor. Tequila and jalapeño go hand and hand, add that pineapple and this is literally a fiesta in a glass.

Spicy Pineapple Margaritas Spicy Pineapple MargaritasIf the heat scares you can simply scale it back a bit by only adding one ring. I beg of you not to remove the seeds and ribs though. That is where all the heat is, yes, but it is also where the true jalapeño flavor hangs out. You don’t want to miss out on that. And you especially don’t want to miss out on this margarita.





5.0 from 1 reviews
spicy pineapple margaritas
Prep time
Total time
Serves: 4
  • Sea salt and lime for glass rimming
  • 1 fresh jalapeño, sliced into ⅛" rings
  • 5 to 6cups fresh or frozen pineapple, cubed
  • 1cup ime juice
  • 1cup tequila
  • ½cup orange liquor
  • Pineapple and lime wedges for garnish, optional
  1. Rim 4 glasses with lime juice and dip in sea salt. Throw 2 to 3 jalapeño rings in each and muddle with the end of a wooden spoon. Filled the glass with ice.
  2. Place pineapple in a blender and add lime juice. Blend until very smooth. Add tequila and orange liqueur and blend until well combined.
  3. Divide evenly among the glasses. Garnish with lime or pineapple wedges. Serve with a straw for stirring. Enjoy!
Drink becomes spicier over time.

For more sweetness add up to ¼cup of simple syrup.

Spicy Pineapple Margaritas
Posted in cheers!, Cinco de Mayo, holidays, recipes | Tagged | 6 Comments

black bean burgers

Black Bean Burgers

For at least 2 years I have wanted to post a black bean burger recipe. The only problem was I had yet to nail a recipe that I absolutely loved.

That is until now.

The thing about black bean burgers is they are either GREAT or really ho-hum. I know this from experience as I order said burger almost every time I visit a restaurant that offers one. Some are truly special, a burger that I would order and consume again and again. While others make me regret not ordering the fish sandwich.

Here at home we have had some of those ho-hum burgers. The taste would be okay, but the texture would be off and then vice versa next go around. It was frustrating because to be honest I thought concocting a black bean burger would be fairly simple. Finally, after all those attempts, I do have a winner. Not only is it delicious on all counts, but it is incredibly easy to put together.

Black Bean Burgers Black Bean BurgersWhat makes this recipe work is the fact that the veggies are cooked before going into the burger mixture. This gives the flavor so much more depth. As for the texture, only the beans are blended and not into oblivion. This means there are bits of veggies and beans throughout each bite making for one interesting vegetarian burger.

Black Bean BurgersDo know this recipe is very family friendly. I went easy on the spicy so my kids and parents could enjoy. (Which they did.) I strongly urge anyone who loves spice to amp it up with your favorite – whether it be hot sauce, red pepper flakes or a chipotle chili powder. Of course you could always go spicy with your toppings. It’s completely up to you.

My next go I will try freezing these bad boys. I’ll give you an update on the outcome. (Crossing fingers on this one.)





black bean burgers
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Recipe type: vegetarian
Serves: 6
  • Olive oil
  • ½ red onion diced small
  • 1 small red bell pepper diced small
  • 2 garlic cloves minced
  • 1tsp cumin
  • 1tsp chili powder
  • ½tsp dried oregano
  • 2tbsp fire roasted green chilis (in their juice from a can)
  • 1 16oz can of black beans, rinsed and drained
  • ½cup sweet corn kernels
  • ¼ cup minced cilantro
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • ½cup and 2tbsp panko crumbs
  • 1 large egg
  1. Drizzle a couple of tablespoons of olive oil in a medium skillet and heat over medium heat. Add the onion and red pepper and sauté for 3 minutes, or until beginning to soften. Add the garlic and sauté for another 30 seconds. Add the cumin, chili powder, oregano and green peppers and sauté for another 30 seconds. Take off heat and place contents into a medium bowl.
  2. Place black beans in a food processor and blend until beginning to look smooth but still a little chunky. Pour into bowl with sautéed veggies. Add corn, cilantro and salt & pepper. Mix well. Taste to adjust seasoning. (This is a good place to add spice if you so desire.) Add the Panko and egg and mix well. Divide mixture into 6 even sections and form each one into a patty. Place patties in refrigerator for at least 30 minutes before cooking.
  3. Heat an oiled skilled or grill over medium high heat. Add patty and cook each side for 3 minutes, or until beginning to char and easily remove from surface. Be gentle with patties as they can be delicate. Place in hamburger buns, lettuce or wraps and top with your favorites like avocado, more green chilies, tomatoes, salsa or cheese. Enjoy!

Black Bean Burgers
Posted in healthy eats, recipes, vegetarian, what's cooking | Tagged | 2 Comments

coconut lemon crumb bars

coconut lemon crumb barsI never knew how much I loved bars until this blog started. They are sort of like cookies, yet a little like pie. Seeing how I am all about cookies and/or pie it’s inevitable that bars would be right up my alley.

Typically I prefer a bar with some fruit filling, much like my pie. And if it’s got a crumb topping…I’m in. These bad boys have both the fruit and the crumb, with a little bit of coconut. Um, hello fabulously tasty dessert!

coconut lemon crumb barsAnother great thing about bars is how ridiculously easy they are to make. If you can press dough into a pan and top with crumbly dough you have almost all the skills you need to make these bars. As far as filling goes, feel free to purchase the curd pre-made. I went all out and made Pioneer Woman’s version (a recipe from her site from a contributor I believe). It’s not bad guys…not bad at all. My only complaint is how addictive it is. Spoons need to be hidden when the jar is open.

coconut lemon crumb barsMy original intent was to make thumbprint cookies with the curd but I was not having much luck so bars it became. After looking at a few recipes I decided to cut back on the coconut for a couple of reasons. 1. I prefer the lemon to shine through the most and 2. While I love coconut, it can overwhelm a sweet dish for me. The ratio in this recipe is perfect for my tastebuds.

coconut lemon crumb bars coconut lemon crumb bars coconut lemon crumb bars

These would make a great dish to bring to a Spring gathering. They are light, sweet and that bright burst of lemon gives it the best flavor. Definitely on my favorite bars list!





5.0 from 1 reviews
coconut lemon crumb bars
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Serves: 9 large bars
  • 1½cups all purpose flour
  • ¼tsp kosher salt
  • ¼tsp backing powder
  • ½cup room temp coconut oil
  • ¼cup granulated sugar
  • ½cup packed brown sugar
  • 1 large egg
  • 1tsp vanilla extract
  • 1cup flaked sweetened or unsweetened coconut (plus 2tbsp divided)
  • 1cup lemon curd
  1. Preheat the oven 350ºF and line an 8X8 baking dish with parchment paper. Place the flour, salt and baking powder in a medium bowling and whisk together. Set aside.
  2. In a bowl of a stand mixer, beat the coconut oil and sugars on high until nice and fluffy. About 3 minutes. Add the egg and vanilla and mix well on medium speed. On low speed, add the flour, very slowly, just until the mixture is crumbly. Stir in the ½cup coconut by hand, gently.
  3. Take half the dough and press it evenly into the prepared dish. Top evenly with the lemon curd. Take the remaining crumble dough and place it evenly all over the top. Top with remaining coconut. Bake in the oven for 15 to 20 minutes or until the top begins to turn golden. Allow to cool completely until cutting. I like to keep mine in the fridge. So good cold!

coconut lemon crumb bars
recipe slightly adapted from Two Peas & Their Pod
Posted in recipes, something sweet | Tagged | 1 Comment