avoid the holiday weight

holiday-fat-weight-gain-eat-christmas-season-ecards-someecardsDo you ever read or hear something and for whatever reason it sticks with you forever? A few years ago I read that on average a person gains 1 pound over the holidays. Not bad right? Not so fast…that 1 pound is actually a pound that is never lost over the course of the year. So if this is in fact the average that would mean in 10 years we would all have an additional 10 pounds added to our blubber factor. Bleh…

Most of the time, most of the year, I am annoyingly good about eating healthy and exercising. Right now though I am not anywhere near where I would like to be physically and frankly do not need an additional ounce, let alone pound, making me feel even worse. Without even considering the weight, holiday food in general can leave you feeling yucky, cranky, bloated and lazy. Not exactly my favorite feelings!

Before you roll your eyes at me (and shove your neighbor’s delicious sugar cookie in your pretty little face) do know that I am not going to tell you to avoid all the yumminess that comes with this time of year.  I am certainly not planning on depriving myself…but I am going to avoid overdoing it, or at least put in the effort. Here are a few of my favorite ways to do so:

  • Manage the treats. Since we already talked about sugar cookies let’s start there. Many people love to give treats as gifts. I love to receive treats as gifts. Often times though there is an overabundance of treats…and an intervention on the treat consumption must happen. Many items can be stored in the freezer for slower paced treat eating. This is less shock on your system and makes the treats last longer. You could also find someone who is not as lucky as you to have so many goodies and share. That’s what this time of year is all about anyways!
  • Avoid the dip. Or at the very least, dip only 1 or 2 of your fresh veggies and fruits in the scrumptious dip while reserving the others to eat dipless. I get it, those dips are totally kick arse…but they are full of calories and a lot of times sugar. It adds up fast.
  • Divvy up dessert. You have a choice. Either decide you are going to have a normal portion of your favorite dessert and avoid the rest…or take teeny tiny, itty bitty, who-size portions of the desserts you want to try. There is no reason for anyone to have a dessert mountain on their plate. It’s just asking for trouble.
  • Remove yourself from the food area. Ever linger around the food and find yourself constantly popping something in your mouth? Oh yeah..that’s totally me. What I find best to do is walk away from the scene of the crime. Go find the kids and start a game or ask Uncle Bob how his gout is doing. Whatever it is…get away from those calories!
  • Pace yourself with the alcohol. I know, know..I like cocktails. Especially festive ones. But they do dehydrate which is not good when trying to keep your system regulated. Make sure you drink at least 2 glasses of water between every cocktail. Put a lime twist and a couple of cranberries in it if you want to feel fancy.
  • Be the one who brings the healthy salad. If you are worried about over-consumption, and need something healthy to fill your plate, take charge and bring that good for you dish. Salads, such as spinach and kale, are great because they can fill a lot of space on your plate. They are also pretty (especially this spinach and strawberry one) and believe it or not, are usually well received be everyone else already on a holiday binge hangover.
  • Pace yourself. This may seem like an obvious one but it’s worth mentioning. If you are like us, you have several events and gathering to attend where carb loaded, sugary food is the main course. Enjoy but don’t go crazy. Remember you don’t have to try everything and you certainly do not need to go back for seconds.
  • Walk it off. Being cooped up in the house is a sure fire way to retain that pound “they say” we gain this time of year. Throw your coat on and take a holiday walk. Enjoy the lights, heck, get crazy and do a little caroling. (Just don’t drink the cocoa.) The fresh air and exercise will be much appreciated by your body.

Enjoy that food, it’s meant to be enjoyed…but do it in a way that will make you still like yourself come January 1st.



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’tis the sparkle

It is no shocker that I love sparkle…I talk about it every single holiday after all. This year though, I seem to be in overdrive. Or perhaps obsessed. From my holiday card designs to outfit suggestions I am going all sequin, all shine. But let’s face it, now is the time to get away with an overabundance of all things sparkly, without looking dated (or like a disco ball).

This year I am loving silver and gold and all the glorious shades they can come in. I am not sure which is a favorite (I would seriously take them all) but I think #7 would pair fabulously with a relaxed sweater…#6 would do the same with jeans and said sweater while #2 would top of high-waisted pants in the most festive of ways. (Don’t even ask me to pick a favorite dress…good thing they are probably all too short for me.):

Holiday 2015 Sparkle1Top Shop sequin boyfriend jacket/2Mango sequin top/3Tobi shine me up shift dress/4Forever 21 sequined shift dress/5Forever 21 gunmetal sequined shift dress/6Steve Madden gold sequin heels/7H&M sequin skirt

What sort of sparkle will you be sporting this season? Tag #PPJstyle to share!



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blood orange mimosas

Blood Orange Mimosas“There are very few things this New Yorker loves as much as Sunday brunch.

You can sleep until noon and still get eggs anywhere in the city, alcohol is often included with the meal, and Sunday is the one day a week you get the single woman’s sports pages: the New York Times wedding section.” – Carrie Bradshaw

While I do not give a flying hoot about the NYT wedding section I do agree with my alter ego on one thing: Brunch is Everything.

Blood Orange Mimosas Blood Orange MimosasCocktails do not come simpler than a mimosa. Champagne and OJ – boom, you’re done. This is precisely how a brunch cocktail should go down.

So why am I here messing with perfection? Because I want to…and because I had some blood orange soda lying around. I thought “hmmm, that would make one heck of a mimosa”. It sure does, and the reality is that the drink is still darn easy to make. Even if you are hungover from drinking wine and smoking cigars with Mr Big Sticky the night before. (What? I didn’t say I was!)

Now, humor me as I post double as many images as needed because I think this mimosa is real purty….

Blood Orange Mimosas Blood Orange Mimosas Blood Orange Mimosas Blood Orange MimosasCheers to brunch! Cheers to 2016! Cheers to a before noon acceptable cocktail!




blood orange mimosas
  • Champagne (I used prosecco)
  • Orange Juice
  • Blood Orange Soda
  • Raspberries for garnish (optional)
  1. Fill champagne glasses halfway with champagne. Top to ¾ full with orange juice and then finish with blood orange soda. Garnish with a couple of raspberries and enjoy!

Blood Orange Mimosas
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tree tradition 2015

Another year, another venture to a tree farm. We were very last minute, fly out the door this time around…which is sort of perfect for us. My favorite is how differently our kids take in these traditions. Jettie loves every bit of it from finding the perfect tree to visiting the animals. Bingham simply has a “What the hell are we doing here?” look on his face the entire time. Like I said…it’s perfect.

2015_tree_1This time around we chose Kaleidescope Farms in Mt Cory, OH. It has a quaint, family feel with fun extras like reindeer and sleigh rides. But the best part is the setting…it’s absolutely gorgeous. If you are in the area and want to cut down your own tree we highly recommend this place.2015_tree_2This girl and that extra large hat (that she had to wear). She sure knows how to make her parents smile. Jettie has such a fiery soul with a heart of gold, she feels everything 100%…and those feelings are on her sleeve like a badge. Certain emotions can be challenging but when she is full of joy I swear there is no person more fun to be around.

Jettie and tree farms are a match made in heaven. I told Sticky I didn’t take too many images because Jettie and I were busy exploring. He said “That is awesome, you girls need to do that more.” He’s totally right.

2015_tree_3We found ourselvesin a little magic before we left…snow. Just enough to catch on ones tongue. (No snow catching for Bing, he’s sticking with the “WTH” face.)

2015_tree_4This tradition, my loves..it doesn’t get much better in my world. Thank you for divulging with me a bit. I hope you are making unforgettable memories with your loved ones this season as well!



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raspberry banana overnight French Toast

Raspberry Banana French ToastThere is just something about golden bread covered in a dusting of powdered sugar. It’s an instant warm fuzzy feeling sort of dish. I live for these kind of weekend breakfasts. They are meant to be taken slowly, with lots of coffee and a whole bunch of love. There are very few things much better than that.

Raspberry Banana French Toast Raspberry Banana French ToastOvernight french toast can get as complicated or as simple as you would like it to be. This version is definitely on the easy side. I wanted something that required very little dirtying of dishes as well as low maintenance baking. There is no sitting for a half an hour before baking, no baking covered and then uncovered. You let this guy set while your oven comes to temp and you bake him naked until he’s golden. Simple as that!

As far as the fruit goes feel free to use what you have on hand. We happened to have bananas and raspberries, I combo I do not normally put together but oh my goodness was it divine.

Raspberry Banana French Toast Raspberry Banana French ToastBread, fruit, sugar and more sugar…this is what delectable breakfast dreams are made of.




Raspberry Banana Overnight French Toast
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Serves: 8
  • 3tbsp unsalted butter
  • ¾cup packed brown sugar
  • 2 large ripe bananas (or 3 medium), peeled, cut in half and then cut in half again lengthwise
  • ½ loaf french bread (day old works great) - sliced into ½" slices
  • 3large eggs
  • 1cup milk
  • 1tsp vanilla extract
  • ½tsp cinnamon
  • 1cup fresh raspberries
  • powdered sugar (optional)
  1. In a microwave safe 8X8 inch baking dish heat butter until melted, about 30 to 45 seconds. Add the brown sugar and mix well. Press the mixture into the bottom of the baking dish. Place the bananas on top, cut side down. Layer bread on top, cut side down, into two rows or whatever fits/looks nicest.
  2. In a medium bowl whisk eggs. Add milk, vanilla and cinnamon and whisk until combined. Pour over bread as evenly as possible. Distribute raspberries all over, tucking some in between bread slices. Cover with plastic wrap and set in fridge for at least 4 hours (overnight is best).
  3. When you are ready to bake, preheat oven 350ºF. While oven is preheating take french toast our of fridge and remove plastic wrap. Allow to sit at room temperature u til ready for the oven.
  4. Bake for 30 to 45 minutes or until bread begins to turn golden on top. Let stand for 10 minutes before serving. Sprinkle powdered sugar on top if you would like. Serve with maple syrup.

 recipe adapted from Goodhouskeeping

Raspberry Banana French Toast
Posted in breakfast, brunch, recipes, something sweet | Tagged | 4 Comments