lentil taco “meat”

Lentil Taco "Meat"You guys, I am so mad at myself right now. To know that I could have been making vegetarian taco “meat” all these years and haven’t been….urgh!!!!!!

Do not be me. And by this I mean do not look at this post, think about trying it and then never ever make it. Be smarter. Make the lentil taco meat. Be better than me.

Lentil Taco "Meat"

Why is this so good? Because it’s meatless taco meat that can used anywhere taco meat is used. That’s flipping fantastic! What about the taste? It’s everything you would want it to be. Spiced just like taco meat with a similar texture. Vegetarian perfection in other words.

Lentil Taco "Meat"Lentil Taco "Meat"

Before I gave up meat (well, the land walking kind) I would eat supreme tacos from Taco Bell sans sour cream. I loved the crisp of the lettuce with the juicy tomatoes and melted cheese. All atop a pile of disgusting meat and wrapped up in a soft tortilla shell.

I’m nearly gagging thinking about that meat now…yet I do miss all those tastes and textures together. I should be saying missed because now I have the same experience sans the meat (and sour cream). It is the best sort of nostalgia for me.

Lentil Taco "Meat"This version is sort of mild, still too spicy for my kids but definitely not over the top in the heat department. Feel free to play with the spice and herbs. It’s a very simple recipe, something you can easily put into your regular rotation. It’s also really filling which makes the vegetarians and carnivores both happy.



lentil taco "meat"
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Cuisine: Vegetarian
  • 1cup dried lentils
  • 2cups water
  • 2tbsp olive oil
  • ½ medium onion, chopped
  • 1 garlic minced
  • 2tbsp taco seasoning
  • 15oz can Ro-Tel
  1. Rinse and inspect lentils to ensure wholeness. Place in a medium pot with water. Bring to a boil, then lower to a simmer. Allow to simmer, with lid partially covering pot, for 15 minutes.
  2. Meanwhile place olive oil in a medium pan over medium heat. Add onion and sauté for 3 to 4 minutes. Add garlic and sauté for another minute. Add taco seasoning and sauté for another minute. Add Ro-Tel and bring to a simmer.
  3. After lentils are done add to tomato mixture and simmer for 10 minutes. Pulse with an immersion blender a few times (optional, I like the texture it gives). Add salt and pepper if needed. Use like you would taco meat on tacos, nachos or soup/casseroles.

“http://prettyplainjanes.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/lentil_taco_meat_pin.jpg” rel=”attachment wp-att-10283″>Lentil Taco "Meat"
Posted in healthy eats, recipes, vegetarian, what's cooking | Tagged | Leave a comment

raspberry souffle

Raspberry SouffleThis was my first go at a soufflé. I assumed it would be incredibly complicated, full of precise technique. Much to my surprise it was neither. I wouldn’t go as far as saying it is an “easy” recipe buts it’s definitely not as difficult as the fancy reputation would lead you to believe.

Raspberry Souffle Raspberry SouffleAs you may have noticed, mine did not exactly rise to a towering height. I shot them several minutes out of the oven so there was definitely some settling. I was a little bummed until I took a bite. Light as air, decadent, raspberry fluff. It’s dreamy guys.

Raspberry Souffle Raspberry Souffle Raspberry Souffle

And oh yeah hey….it’s pink! Absolutely perfect for a certain holiday coming up. I’m thinking a dark chocolate center would be a nice addition. Or even a simple drizzle of chocolate right before serving. Either way your Valentine is going to be impressed at first glance (and even more so after every bite).


“http://prettyplainjanes.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/brandyjsig.jpg” rel=”attachment wp-att-8360″>brandyjsig


raspberry souffle
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Serves: 8
  • Melted unsalted butter (for buttering ramekins)
  • Fine sugar (for dusting ramekins)
  • 10oz frozen raspberries
  • 2tbsp lemon juice
  • ¼cup fine sugar
  • 3tsp water
  • 1tbsp cornstarch
  • 5 egg whites
  • ⅓cup fine sugar
  • Powdered sugar for dusting
  1. Preheat the oven 350F. Brush butter in 8 small ramekins and dust with sugar (may use more or less ramekins depending on their size). Place ramekins on a baking sheet.
  2. Place raspberries in a medium sauce pan over medium heat. Bring to a low boil for 3 minutes. Take off heat and purée in a food processor or blender. Strain through a fine sieve and place back in sauce pan over medium heat. Add lemon juice and sugar and stir until dissolved. Place water and cornstarch in a small bowl and whisk together. Bring raspberry mix to a boil and whisk in cornstarch mixture, continue to mix for 1 minute. Remove from heat and allow to come to a compete cool in the refrigerator.
  3. Place egg whites in a stand mixer and beat until soft peaks form. Slowly add sugar. Beat until it begins to look glossy. With a spatula gently fold in the raspberry mixture.
  4. Spoon the mixture into each ramekin. Even out the tops with a knife. Bake in the oven for 12 to 15 minutes, or until soufflés have risen. Dust with powdered sugar and serve immediately.

recipe from Coco & Kelly

Raspberry Souffle


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foot cream and makeup setting spray review

I am not sure 2 things could be more different as far as what they represent. That said no one likes cracked heels or smeared makeup…which is why I wanted to try these:

Beauty TriesFirst up the O’Keefe’s for Healthy Feet.

My family has been using the hand version for a few years now and love, love, loves. This formula is specifically for dry, cracked feet….you know, the kind that make you never ever want to take off your socks. For those of you who suffer from this condition [raising my hand high but you can forget seeing an image of the monstrosity] you know how frustrating it can be to not only find relief but healing power.

Sticky and I both apply this cream after every shower. A little truly does go a long way and after a week we could tell the difference. Much softer overall feet and the really tough spots, like the heels, are definitely improved. Highly recommend this tub of goodness.

I received Urban Decay’s Setting Spray as a sample from Sephora and could not wait to try. If you are a girl who gets an annoying dark line in the crease of your eyelid from your eyeliner,  this product is for you.

Last week I used for everyday makeup and was very impressed. But the true test was this past Saturday. Full on, heavy application face for a night out with my man. Black eyeliner was used and not a even a speck was found anywhere but where it was suppose to be. I will be purchasing the full size version as soon as my sample runs out. Good news is that won’t be for awhile since even the small trial size seems to be lasting for a long time.

100 thumbs up for 2 products I am loving. If you give them a try I hope you love them as much as I do.



Posted in beauty, beauty product review, makeup, product love | Tagged | Leave a comment

oversized outerwear

Show of hands to anyone who has seen a girl looking oh so fab in oversized outerwear but when you give it a go it feels more like overstuffed marshmallow than chic. The past 2 years I have been forcing myself to embrace the larger cuts in sweaters and outerwear. Not easy for a girl who likes form and structure, but I have to say I am warming up to the oversize.

winter lookI purchased this coat one size larger than I normally would  thinking that it would fit over bulky sweaters better. The arms are also longer which is fabulous for my freakishly extended limbs. (Just the arms, not the legs of course.) I really thought I would hate it, but it was a steal so why not.

I don’t love this coat. I am obsessed with it. Basically wear it every chance I get. And I love it unzipped. That statement alone blows my mind. An unzipped oversized coat that I feel put together in. I thought this was a fashion myth but alas…it is true and wonderful.

winter lookThis is me reacting to the “I don’t wanna get my picture taken” photo bomber. Good thing she’s cute.

winter lookIn case you didn’t notice I also love this hat. To be honest I can’t find my other favorite beanie so the cableknit version is my consistent go to at the moment.

winter look winter look

||WEARING|| coat similar/Forever 21 denim/boots similar/shirt similar/hat similar/gloves similar

Gotta another question for you girls… You rock the destroyed jeans in the middle of winter? I don’t know why but I swear they do not seem any colder than regular denim. Then again I live in Ohio and it has been in the 40s+ for winter so it’s basically like spring around here. We’ve got some realistically cold days coming up, I have a feeling those holey jeans won’t be making the cut.



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kitty cat valentine box

Kitty Cat Valentine BoxOne of my favorite childhood memories was making what cannot be called anything other than kickass Valentine’s Day boxes with my mom. My brother and I killed the competition every single year. While I cannot remember exactly what all of them looked like I do recall a pink pig created out of an oatmeal canister. It was legit from the tail to the face. My classmates ohh-ed and aahd, the over-competitive one (there is always one) hated me.

And this was done pre-Pinterest people…my mom was a creative mastermind.

When a paper came home stating that Jettie could bring in a Valentine box I nearly did a cartwheel. I asked her what she would like to make and of course she had a million really great ideas (insert grand 4 year old hand gesturing here).

I then asked “how about a kitty cat?” and she said “like my cake?” And I thought why not.

Kitty Cat Valentine BoxHere is what we used for our kitty cat:

  • white crepe streamer
  • round kraft box
  • glitter foam paper in black, white and pink
  • small piece of cardboard (for ears)
  • glue gun and glue
  • scissors


  1. Take the streamer and wrap around box once. Use this measurement to cut at least 15 lengths of streamer. Stack them and cut 1/8″ “fringe” along one of the sides, the entire length. So basically one half of your streamer will be fringed and the other half is in tact.Kitty Cat Valentine Box
  2. Cut another streamer the length of the diameter of the box. Using a glue gun, secure that around the bottom of your box. This will be where you start your first row of fringe, you need this base layer to cover up the box underneath.Kitty Cat Valentine Box
  3. Begin layering your fringe, securing to box with glue gun all the way around. The two ends of each layer should meet in the same spot for every layer, trim off excess after layer is secured. Go up as far as the lid will cover (I came about 1/2″ from the top).Kitty Cat Valentine Box
  4. Next cut a slot in the lid of your box for the cards to fit in. Then cover the lid with the same layer effect as the main part of the box (don’t forget the sides). Use a sharp exacto knife to recut the slot out (after being covered by the fringe). Use scissors to trim off excess fringe, also giving you that clean rounded edge.Kitty Cat Valentine Box Kitty Cat Valentine Box
  5. Now for the face! We used circle cutters to make 2 eyes and 2 cheeks out of foam paper. I hand drew a heart for the nose (pink foam paper) and cut strips out of the black foam paper for the whiskers. We then attached them all with hot glue.Kitty Cat Valentine Box
  6. For the ears cut out 2 triangles out of cardbard, and 2 smaller triangles out of the pink foam paper. Cover the cardboard with fringe and then attach pink triangles with hot glue. Attach to kitty cat with hot glue. (Be sure the triangles do not cover any of the slot.)Kitty Cat Valentine Box


We still have yet to decide where to put her name, we are thinking on top towards the back. Jettie wanted to put it on the bottom – a minimalist. The apple does not fall far I tell ya.

You however should feel free to get creative by switching up colors, adding more decor or even a tail. I also think a fox head would be darling like this. Or a pink penguin. Maybe even a raccoon. I want to make more…

Kitty Cat Valentine BoxThere is now doubt that this is one cute kitty cat Valentine box. While I am no “my mom” I do think she would be proud of this creation. Brings back the best kind of memories for me and hopefully will for my Sketts.




Posted in diy, holidays, valentine's day | Tagged | 13 Comments