diy home acne treatment

Mirrors – our fun, yet brutally honest BFFs. A couple of days ago Bingham and I were blowing kisses to each other in front of a full length mirror – fun, right? Yes, loads of good times…that is until we turned to leave and my eye caught a glimpse of tiny pimples setting up camp on my chin. ERGH!

I’m not sure what sparked the pesters. Could be a hormones, could be from working out, could be diet. Or maybe…and this is just a possibility…it could have been caused by the Smashbox free sample of BB Cream I smeared allover my face the day before. (Curse my cheap ways!)

Upon further inspection I was horrified to find the camps had spread. Tiny little clusters of acne here, there and every damn where. Sure I get the occasional pimple but this sort of breakout is not typical for me. Which means I am fairly lost in the sea of acne products available for such situations.

Thankfully there are a few ways to combat acne on the spot with items that are almost always on hand in my home. The 3rd (egg white trick) is my go-to but all three I have tried and can attest work fabulously for occasional acne flares:



1The trick to this one is you must use organic apple cider vinegar (not the cheapest kind that we use to clean pots/floors and make volcanos out of). Next you mix 1 part vinegar to 2 parts water (more if you have super sensitive skin – ALWAYS test a small area before rubbing all over your face) and then apply to a dry, clean face with a cotton ball. This is basically a homemade toner that you use every time after you wash your face./2Over a year ago I posted a cinnamon honey mask that is still put to good use today. The only reason this is not my constant go-to is because raw honey does not last in our home. You’d think there is a Pooh bear living here with how much honey is consumed. Oh bother… (click on link for more details)/3This is the easiest, and unless you’re strictly vegan or allergic to eggs, the most accessible of the three methods. Simply separate the whites from the yolks (2 or 3 eggs – depending on how much) and whisk the whites until slightly frothy. You will not use the yolks for this mask, but save those suckers for curd, custard or something else fabulously divine. Allow the frothy whites to set 5 minutes at room temperature and then apply to face using an old makeup brush. Grab a couple of cucumber slices if you got them, throw them on your closed eyes and chill for 15 minutes, give or take. You will feel your skin tighten during this time. Rinse with water and pat dry. Add a little moisturizer to finish.

Remember to never try a homemade skin treatment without testing a small area of skin first. If you have highly sensitive skin or are allergy prone this is especially important. (Hmmm…maybe I should have tested the BB cream.) Always keep treatment away from openings such as eyes.

Just like people, acne is not one of the same. There are different types spurred by different occurrences. Not all treatments will work for all acne. These home tricks work for my occasional flares, but every person is unique, we have to do a little experimenting to find what suits us best.

Now, off to throw out a certain BB Cream…



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