for the love of names

There are people out there who are obsessed with baby names. I would be one of those people. Heck, I could be their leader. Baby names are more than just a passion for me…they consume more of my thoughts than they realistically should. If kids weren’t so darn hard to raise I’d have 100 more just so I could name their cute little souls.

(Any job openings out there for a baby namer? No? Dang.)

Why I haven’t had a baby name post until today is beyond me. The best excuse I can think of is that I am just so overwhelmed with my love for names that I wouldn’t even know where to begin. But now I do. And it’s with a few other moms who love names too, specifically unique ones.

One of my favorite aspects of a name, whether it be super common or against the grain, is how mom and/or dad got to the point of knowing it was the one. It’s like the first tale told in that child’s storybook. And more often than not it fits that child in a way the parents could have never foreseen. These are our tales, a handful of moms with a bigger handful of babies to name:

names_2Alicia of Spruce & Willow, son Shooter

“From the very beginning, we knew we wanted a name that was different. A name that no other kids would have when our little guy hit grade school. We tried our best to channel our love for outlaw country music specifically the Highwaymen but Willie, Kris, Johnny nor Waylon seemed to fit us. But Waylon Jennings had a son named Shooter. I LOVED it but I was hesitant to share with my husband because he had shot down every single name I had suggested for 7 months. Much to my surprise he said, “YES, that’s it!” We were instantly sold! We added Blake because it was one that we both agreed on and had a slightly more mainstream tone to it.”

Also loved but ultimately vetoed:

 [Wilder, Minor, Legend, Knoll, Stone & Bridges]

names_3aMel of McLellan Style, kids Seven, Serai, Ever & Zender

“We knew that we wanted our kids’ names to be really unique. It’s defining in some way to grow up with a name no one else has. It sets you a part in some small way and we wanted that for our children. Nothing that would register in the top 1000 names on the social security baby name registry could even be considered as a first name so we dug through name apps/websites/books, looked at words we liked, and even combined things we liked the sounds of to create our own names.

Seven is the number for completion, and after both coming from broken families and having lost our first son unexpectedly at 38 weeks, being able to start our own family with our son, Seven, brought wholeness to our family life again. His full name is Seven Patrick Daniel, the 2 middle names being family names.

Serai (pronounced Sir-ray) Claire means “bright light”. We’ve only ever met one Serai and have always loved the name. We’ve known since we were dating that that’s what we would name our first daughter one day.

Ever Sabeen means “to constantly forge one’s own path”. As entrepreneurs and people who live life on our own terms, we loved the idea behind it.

Zender was possibly the hardest to name. We ended up with a list of words we liked and combined them with ending sounds we liked until we came up with Zen-der. It essentially means “to be of peace” and if there’s anything you want to speak over the 4th in a line of small children, it’s peacefulness. In keeping with what we started with Seven, we gave him the name James for his middle name, after my husband’s grandfather.”

 Cutting room floor names:

 [BOYS Zade, Zerrin, Toren, Alaric, Thayer, Tavian GIRLS Eastyn, Ember, Corin, Zade]

names_4Stacia of CakeCrazy, kids Huxley, Graylie & Truitt

“During my first pregnancy I was 99.9% sure I was having a girl and had picked out the name Graylie Elle before my ultrasound.  To my surprise, “she” was actually a “he”.  After scanning through lots of baby name books our first born was named, Huxley Lleyton. After finding out I was pregnant a second  time, there was no doubt that if it was a girl we were sticking with Graylie.  The original middle name had worn off by this time so after finding out I was indeed carrying a girl, we named her Graylie London.  Before my third pregnancy my mom had been looking at some old family names and had come across the name Truitt. I immediately loved it and wrote it down for safe keeping in case God blessed us with another child. Thankfully, he did and we decided to keep the sex a surprise until delivery. I can recall being in labor at the hospital and in a bit of a panic because we really didn’t love any of our girl names.  To my relief, Truitt Todd was born. My father’s name is Todd and I liked how it sounded with his first name.”

If Truitt would have been a girl:


names_1Me, my kids Jettie and Bingham.

“When it was our turn to name a baby the only thing we knew for sure was that if the peanut was a girl her middle name would be Jean – my middle name and adored Granny’s first name. We had several girl names that we liked but kept coming back to the “J’s”. After seeing Jettie on a name list from the 1880’s, I sent Sticky a text that simply said “Jettie Jean” and that was it.

When it was time to name a son we were stumped at first. If he had been a girl the name was chosen, loved and ready…but he wasn’t so the search was on. Kate Hudson has a son named Bingham and I loved it from the moment I heard it. It’s fun yet classic, just our style. It was the middle name we struggled with. At first we wanted to use something from Sticky’s family but we didn’t love the sound of any of them. With Sticky’s middle being “Brent” we decided to go with that so our son would have a double “B” much like Jettie’s double “J”. About a month before due date I told Sticky how much I loved the name Banks and he said “forget Brent, we’re naming him Bingham Banks.” And that was that.”

Considered/thought about for a hot sec/disagreed on:

[GIRLS Lorelai, Julep, Juniper, Posey BOYS Booker, Major, Hampton, Maxwell]

Thank you to the 3 gorgeous moms who shared their baby naming stories! I’d love to hear, as I’m sure many others would as well, your path to your little ones’ names. Or even some favorites that maybe you couldn’t convince your partner to pull the trigger on. Feel free to comment here or shoot me an email message if you would like to be considered for a part of a future post (link in top right – little envelope).

Names are so fun and this post makes my heart happy. A warning though…I may not stop now that I have started. (The name beast has been unleashed. Watch out!)



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coffee chocolate chip muffins with irish cream glaze

Coffee Chocolate Chip Muffins with Irish Cream GlazeLast week I discovered the wonders of Irish cream in a milkshake. And since I already had the Baileys out I thought why not make some boozey muffins….that are also spiked with coffee.

These pack a punch of caffeine guys. The kind that you know you shouldn’t eat more than one yet the glorious taste keeps you coming back. I was bouncing off the walls after 2 but still managed to eat 4. Self control goes out the window when there is coffee and Baileys involved.

Coffee Chocolate Chip Muffins with Irish Cream Glaze Coffee Chocolate Chip Muffins with Irish Cream GlazeWhenever I read tips on how to write about food it almost always says to simply talk about how they taste. In this case I feel it’s pretty self explanatory:

Coffee – good!

Chocolate – good!

Baileys – good!

(If you are a “Friends” fanatic, like me, you will have said the above 3 things in your Joey voice and then smile about the trifle.)

Coffee Chocolate Chip Muffins with Irish Cream Glaze Coffee Chocolate Chip Muffins with Irish Cream GlazeYou can make these work appropriate for a St Patricks Day treat by replacing the Baileys with a nonalcoholic Irish cream coffee creamer. Of course if you work somewhere that allows such shenanigans [like boozey mini muffins] then by all means keep the Baileys. (And are they hiring?)




coffee chocolate chip muffins with irish cream glaze
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Serves: 24 mini muffins
  • for the muffins:
  • 2cups all purpose flour
  • ⅔cup granulated sugar
  • 2tsp baking powder
  • ¼tsp kosher salt
  • ⅔cup mini chocolate chips
  • ⅔cup milk
  • 5tbsp melted unsalted butter
  • 2tsp vanilla
  • 1 large egg
  • 1½ tsp espresso powder
  • for the glaze:
  • ⅔cup powdered sugar
  • 2tbsp baileys irish cream (or nonalcoholic coffee creamer)
  1. Preheat oven 400ºF. Grease a mini muffin pan.
  2. In a large bowl whisk together flour, sugar, baking powder, salt and chocolate chips. In a medium bowl whisk together milk, butter, vanilla, egg and espresso powder.
  3. Add the milk mixture to the dry ingredients and combine gently until just incorporated. A little flour showing is okay, you want to avoid over mixing more than anything.
  4. Divide evenly into the prepared mini muffin pan. I used a medium ice cream scoop which filled each slot to the top. Bake for 7 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. Allow to cool in pan for at least 5 minutes before removing.
  5. For the glaze combine powdered sugar and Irish cream. Whisk until well incorporated. If too think add a touch more Irish cream, too thin add powdered sugar.
  6. Once muffins are completely cool dip tops into glaze and devour.

Coffee Chocolate Chip Muffins with Irish Cream Glaze
Posted in breakfast, brunch, holidays, recipes, something sweet, St Patrick's Day | Tagged | 2 Comments


9 years ago we said yes to us. Yes to a life of shared dreams and aspirations. Yes to loyal sidekicks, trusted partners and #1 fans. There is no one in this entire universe I could envision spending my everything with. He is it for me. And that yes was the best yes ever.

You collect a lot of great memories when you share a life with a person, here are just a handful of ours…


Our honeymoon was the first time both of us had been overseas. We planned it for our one year anniversary and allowed someone else to make all the arrangements. It may have been a foreign land but everything about that trip felt like us. It’s hard to pick a favorite place, but if we find our way back to that little hotel on Lake Como I won’t be disappointed at all.

NYC is never ever a bad idea in our world. We have been several times but that frigid Valentine’s Day was a trip to cherish. I always feel special when Sticky holds his arm out for me to slide mine underneath….but in the city it gives me butterflies.

We made a day trip to Baltimore in between a Pennsylvania wedding and a Virginia family session we had scheduled. No one but us knew that 2 weeks before we got our first heartbeat on an ultrasound. [Insert lump in throat. I am such a sap!] A week before that and the heartbeat was still there. We exhaled a little…and started to plan for a baby. Cloud 9 does not even begin to describe our emotions at that time. He was everything for me through all those losses…and now me and my best friend felt free to dream about baby. Yeah, Baltimore was good.

02.23.16. 9 years. He’s still my best friend and those butterflies don’t stop. I’m not sure I deserve a man with a heart like his but I’m forever grateful.

Plus he’s easy on the eyes…so yeah, I’m one lucky girl.

Cheers to NINE!



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date night options

Tomorrow Sticky and I will celebrate 9 years of wedded bliss. Per usual we are hitting up a restaurant and trying our best not to talk about work or kids. [We give it an honest effort.]

The only dilemma is what to wear. He’s got it so easy. Shirt. Blazer. Done. Me on the other hand will have things like what kind of mood I’m in, or how bloated I feel, or whether or not I am up for putting on tights to consider.

These are serious considerations…right ladies?

My plan of action is to have 3 pre-selected, head to toe looks to chose from. Which I have already done as you can see below. Come tomorrow, I will have a choice…and there will be no trying on everything in my closet. Been there, done that and hate cleaning it up.

Option 1

A dress with casual knee highs, simple bracelet and clutch. Not pictured are dark grey tights and obviously I’ll need some warm outwear. If I am feeling like a busted can of biscuits this will work because there is no cling to the belly area. If the restaurant is cold, I’m screwed. [Yes, I know I could bring a sweater to wear over it but I really don’t like the look of that with this dress.]

IMG_3795Option 2

Fun skirt, jacket, necklace, clutch, boots. All of this is definitely my idea of a fun yet sophisticated ensemble. I love those boots with all my soul. They just go with everything in way I can’t explain. The jacket is lightweight, and the shirt is a tank, so I am thinking I’ll at least need a chunky scarf for transport from car to restaurant. Oh, and there will be black tights. [I’m not that tough and my legs aren’t that fit yet.]

IMG_3796Option 3

Denim shirt and faux leather detailed jeggings dressed up with a statement necklace, bright clutch and heels. Definitely the most casual of them all until you consider that bling. This is the perfect ensemble if I am feeling absolutely BLAH tomorrow evening. Which I hope I am not but let’s be real…there’s a good chance I will. It’ll also make a great date night Target run. Pretty sure we need diapers so yeah, that’s happening.

IMG_3797I am going to sleep like a champ tonight knowing I have a game plan. Hopefully I have my crap together enough to post a pic and let you know what I chose via instagram or snapchat. [Heck yes I snap! I’m pretty terrible at it but you can find me at ppj_brandyj.]

Regardless of what I wear 9 years with my man feels pretty damn good.



Posted in outfits, style | Tagged | 1 Comment

irish cream milkshake

Irish Cream MilkshakeThere was a completely different intention for this post….something or other about my etsy shop. [aka shameless self promotion] But it was a crazy mild mid-February day out there. When mother nature hands you a sweet surprise like that you take the hint and make a milkshake. So I did. One with booze, which just so happens to be my favorite kind.

(Side note: Bingham and I nearly blew away while fetching the ingredients. You’ve got a nasty sense of humor there lady weather.)

Irish Cream Milkshake Irish Cream MilkshakeHonestly we do not make a lot of milkshakes at home. In fact, there is hardly ever ice cream in the freezer to make said shake with. One sip of this creamy, minty, smooth concoction from heaven and I’m reminded why these things are true. I’d be fat and drunk all. the. time.

Irish Cream Milkshake Irish Cream MilkshakeI made my shake with mint chocolate chip ice cream because St Patrick’s…but cookies and cream would knock your socks off too. Or French vanilla. Or chocolate. Or hazelnut. Or any ice cream you can get your hands on. I thought they would turn out a little more minty green in color but the Baileys really toned that shade down. And that’s okay Baileys. Green mini M&Ms exist for this reason.

Cheers to unexpected weather gifts and liquored up milkshakes! (Don’t forget to make a batch sans the booze so the kidlets can partake.)




irish cream milkshake
Prep time
Total time
Serves: 1 large or 2 small
  • 4 large scoops mint chocloate chip ice cream
  • ½cup ice
  • ½cup milk
  • ¼cup Baileys
  • Fresh whipped cream and sprinkles/candy for garnish (optional)
  1. Place ice cream, ice, milk and Baileys in a blender and blend until silky smooth.
  2. Fill 1 large glass or 2 small. Top with whipped cream and candy or sprinkles if desired. Insert straw and enjoy!

Irish Cream Milkshake
Posted in cheers!, holidays, recipes, something sweet, St Patrick's Day | Tagged | 2 Comments