oatmeal rhubarb crumb bars

oatmeal rhubarb crumb barsIn the few weeks leading up to Jettie’s party, my granny would visit me on Thursdays to hang with Bing while I did whatever it is I “needed” to do for a Mary Poppins event. If that wasn’t enough, one morning she came donning an armful of fresh rhubarb from her backyard. The woman is in her 80s and I have her watching my wild child toddler and harvesting rhubarb. I’m either her favorite granddaughter or she’s the kindest person ever. (It’s the latter, trust me.)

I grew up consuming her rhubarb pies, so of course I was more than happy to have some fresh stems of my very own. She asked what I was going to make and I told her no pie…that’s her thing. Crumb bars though, that sounded like something I could handle.

oatmeal rhubarb crumb bars oatmeal rhubarb crumb barsWhen it comes to rhubarb you either love the tartness or hate it. I am on the love, love, love side. What is so great about any fruit related dessert though, is that you can fairly easily adjust the sweetness in almost all recipes. Like it tart? Use less sugar. Want more of a sweet taste? Ramp it up.

oatmeal rhubarb crumb bars oatmeal rhubarb crumb barsThis was the first time I have cooked down the fruit before placing in the oven, at least with this particular oat bar recipe. I was worried the rhubarb might not break down enough, but I am going to try it next time I make these. (And of course I will report back.)

oatmeal rhubarb crumb barsIf I am being honest these do not hold a candle to my granny’s rhubarb pie. But nothing ever will so that’s sort of an unfair comparison. They do however hit the spot if you are craving a tart, yet sweet treat. (Add a scoop of vanilla ice cream for an even sweeter treat.)


Brandy J



oatmeal rhubarb crumb bars
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Serves: 9bars
  • for filing:
  • butter for greasing pan
  • 2½cups fresh rhubarb, diced into 1" pieces
  • ¼cup brown sugar (or ½cup if you need it sweet)
  • ¼cup water
  • 1tbsp fresh lemon juice
  • 1tsp vanilla
  • for crust and crumble:
  • 1cup all purpose flour
  • 1cup old fashioned oats
  • ½cup brown sugar
  • 1tsp lemon zest
  • ¼tsp kosher salt
  • ¼tsp cinnamon
  • ¼tsp baking soda
  • 6tbsp melted butter
  1. Preheat oven 325ºF and line an 8X8 baking dish with parchment paper.
  2. In a small sauce pan combine rhubarb, brown sugar and water. Bring to a boil then allow to simmer for 8 to 10 minutes or until rhubarb has all broken down. Add the lemon and vanilla and stir. Allow to cool for 5 minutes before using.
  3. Mix flour, oats, brown sugar, lemon zest, salt, cinnamon and baking soda in a bowl. Add butter and combine with hands. Mixture will be crumbly.
  4. Reserve ¾cup of the flour/oat mixture and press the rest evenly into the bottom of the prepared baking dish. Spread rhubarb mixture evenly on top of that and sprinkle remaining flour/oat mixture over the rhubarb.
  5. Bake on middle rack for 40 minutes. Allow to cool completely in the pan on a wire rack. Store in airtight container in the fridge for up to a week. Enjoy!

oatmeal rhubarb crumb bars
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and then there’s five

First off, sorry for the crickets. Early last week I decided it would be a good idea to take on a large rushed custom design request in the midst of Mary Poppins party week. Believe you me there was about 100 “what was I thinking?” moments, but the designs came out better than I could have imagined and as for the party…well, it was absolutely fabulous.

Posts were shot and will randomly creep their way on here, but for now, there is only one thing on my mind:  This girl. The girl that is 5. FIVE. I can’t even wrap my mind around this…how exactly does this happen? (And how can I stop it?)

05716_1Oh Jettie. I hope you always know and feel how truly wanted, special, amazing, beautiful, funny, imaginative and kindhearted you are. You make us proud to know you. Watching you grow, from the best seats in the house no less, has brought such a profound amount of joy into our lives. You are everything we knew we were waiting for, and so many other things we never knew we were missing in life.

Thank you for welcoming us into parenthood. Our first born, our one and only little girl. Happy Birthday to you Jettie Jean. We love you forever and always.


Mommy & Dadddy

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strawberry margaritas

strawberry_margaritas_1Yes, that is another margarita I whipped up. There is a perfectly legit reason why this time however...I have myself a new Vitamix.

You guys, the hype is real. I have never in my wildest dreams dreamt a blender so fabulous. It’s amazing I have ate anything solid since receiving it as now all I want to do is obliviate things in my Vitamix.

[A big “way to go” out to my man for scoring me one. Apparently if I ask for something on the blog I get it. Hmmm….]

strawberry_margaritas_2 strawberry_margaritas_3Now about this margarita. It’s basically as fabulous as the blender. Think summer, in a glass with a splash of tequila. It’s fresh, it’s bright, it’s everything you would want a margarita to be this time of year.

strawberry_margaritas_4 strawberry_margaritas_5I am going to repeat myself yet once again on how amazingly easy fresh margaritas are to make at home. [In other words, don’t buy that pre-made stuff.] If you see a recipe like this and think “I like mine frozen though” simply take the ice that would normally fill the glass, and zap it with your other margarita ingredients. Now that I have a Vitamix I can do that too!

Cheers to summer margaritas and kick butt blenders!

Brandy J



strawberry margaritas
Prep time
Total time
Serves: 2 large glasses
  • 1qt fresh strawberries, stems removed
  • ¼cup simple syrup or 2tbsp honey (sweetness to taste)
  • ½cup silver tequila
  • ¼cup triple sec
  • ½cup fresh lime juice
  • Lime wedges
  • Sea salt for rimming glasses (optional)
  1. Place the strawberries, simple syrup, tequila, triple sec and lime juice in blender and blend on high until well combined and not chunk of berries remain.
  2. Use a lime wedge to rim 2 glasses and then dip in sea salt. Fill glasses with ice and then pour in the margarita. Cheers!

Posted in cheers!, Cinco de Mayo, recipes | Tagged | 3 Comments

baby foot “deep exfoliation for feet” review

For months I had been seeing bloggers on snapchat slipping on these plastic booties and going on and on about this amazing product for rough feet. Having really dry feet myself, I was dying to try but would always forget about 5 seconds after I saw it. (Can a person direct link a product on snapchat? Is that a thing I don’t know about because I would totally dig that.) It must have been divine intervention the day my man came walking through the door with a present from one of his med spa clients. He told me that the lady said “your wife will love”…and she could not have been more right.

baby foot reviewHere is the thing about me…I am hard on my feet and they don’t like it. They retaliate by toughening themselves with calluses and cracks. Blah! I also genetically have a tendency to have dry hands and feet so that’s a double whammy for me. Drinking lots of water and using good lotions help tremendously. But nothing, and I mean nothing, has came close to what this product does.

So how does one use Baby Foot? The application is fairly simple. You place your clean, dry feet in the plastic booties that are pre-filled with magic dry skin attack gel and sit your butt down for an hour before removing them. Once removed you wash feet with mild soap and water, pat dry and then wait. For days. That’s right, I said days. It will take a few before you see the peeling and when you do you will be amazed.

Prepare to be grossed out by my peeling reptile feet…

baby foot reviewOh my gosh…grossest thing on this blog EVER!!!! Insert the monkey emoji with his hands over his eyes right now. I promise to never get this gross again. (At least I hope so.)

Here is the thing about the peeling (other than the holy crap factor). You absolutely are not suppose to peel it off with your fingers. It’s tempting. VERY VERY tempting. But don’t do it. The box says not to, I am not sure why, but if it says not to then I believe it. If you have zero willpower (not gonna name names, but I know who you are) I suggest you wear socks all the time and forget about your feet. It’s the only way.

As far as how long you will peel that really depends on how much dry skin there is. My feet were scaly for almost 2 weeks…but if you do not have much dry skin that may only last a week. What I was left with after 2 weeks blew my mind. Soft feet with no calluses and zero cracks on my heels. I really wish I would have taken a before picture…and kind of glad I didn’t because I have disgusted all of you enough already.

baby foot reviewPlease, I beg of you, if you try Baby Foot follow the directions. Also, if you have sensitive skin you may want to dip a q-tip in the gel and do a test spot first. I also know you are not to use if prego or nursing. You can find the full deets as well as other reviews here: Baby Foot.

To be clear I was given this product but not by Baby Foot themselves. [It was from my hot salesman husband.] I did however love this so much that I recommended it to friends already as well as sent one to my SIL who loves pedicures. So far all reports back are the same as mine. Baby Foot rules!

If you have tried Baby Foot please let us know how it worked for you!

Cheers to soft sandal-ready feet!

Brandy J




*This review is based on my personal experience with this product and not intended to represent every individual. As with all products, read the warnings and full directions before using. Brandy J Rammel nor www.prettyplainjanes.com are responsible for varying, damaging and/or negative results from this or any products featured on www.prettyplainjanes.com.

Posted in beauty, beauty product review | Tagged | 1 Comment

derby on the island 2016

The past weekend we put on our best, grab some hats and did what we do just about every first Saturday in May… Derby Day on Kelleys Island. This year the crowd was a little less than normal, due to Mother’s Day I am sure, but nonetheless there was beautiful weather and fun to be had.


Jettie has been all about this event since she could talk. The gloves, the hat, the dressy dress..it’s right up her alley. Bingham loves it all too, but he also likes to rub food all over his clothes and scream like a maniac when he doesn’t get to do something exactly the way he wants to do it. (Like being able to smear applesauce allover his dapper vest. Yes, I shutter at the thought.) Nonetheless, we had our hands full with Derby Bing this year. We did manage one family shot on the big girl camera though, and it’s all I needed.

What an amazing weekend with my most favorite people. They spoiled me rotten yesterday, which was not at all necessary because really, what more could I need than those 3 faces?

Next up..2 birthdays and a dance recital. Gosh I love May.


Brandy J




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