Category Archives: style
chilly opening day
We are a baseball family…sort of. Sticky, he will stay up till 2AM to watch the Reds lose in a 16 inning game. Me, I love going to the ballpark. Thankfully our kids seem to have the baseball bug too. … Continue reading
green is good
It has been rainy here the last couple of days…which I sort of love. Not that I am ready to move to Seattle or anything, but a day or two of mother nature’s melancholy is good with me. Winter was … Continue reading
it’s like spring, but still winter
Today was one of those days that was jammed packed with appointments and things to do…and the funny thing is, I loved every single second of it. I was having a “check what things I have done” sort of attitude … Continue reading
leap to white
Can we all agree that today is wonderfully weird? It’s Leap Day, which is sort of like a fake day….but yet today is a legit Monday….which also feels like March, but it’s not. I’m confused. In a good way. Thank … Continue reading
date night options
Tomorrow Sticky and I will celebrate 9 years of wedded bliss. Per usual we are hitting up a restaurant and trying our best not to talk about work or kids. [We give it an honest effort.] The only dilemma is … Continue reading