Category Archives: style
military and coral (27 weeks)
Can anyone tell me where March went? I feel as if it didn’t even happen and now here we are, on the very last day of the month. On most given days my goal is to not look as huge … Continue reading
spring and summer scarves
Last week we talked about 6 simple ways to rock a scarf in your hair. Today I want to take things a tad further by showing some extremely versatile ways to pull them into your warm weather looks. Lightweight scarves … Continue reading
six easy ways to wear head scarves
You know that girl who throws a scarf in her hair and looks fabulous without even trying? Yeah, we all know that girl. We secretly admire and fill with green envy over her effortless style. You know who can easily … Continue reading
their saint patrick’s style | the maxey family
The most adorable family agreed to show off their green for this Irish holiday. Or maybe I should say Josh purchased green Vans and we decided a festive shoot was in order. No matter these guys look amazing in today’s … Continue reading
spot on pink (24 weeks)
It’s March and I am in desperate need of any and all things Spring. So much so that my go to grey and black have taken a backseat to softer, more colorful shades. This pink blazer has been worn twice … Continue reading