Category Archives: style
these things
Fruit, books and dad pants – these things make for a happy Friday! Pineapple Rompers – fruity fashion is all the rage with pineapples being particularly popular. While I am not sure rompers will be suitable for my post-baby figure … Continue reading
full term wild (37 weeks)
My apologies for lack of variety in the maternity fashion department. Here I am again, in another maxi dress. Wait, is that a belt? Yep, I went crazy and added one. Truth is I feel great in a maxi and … Continue reading
36 weeks and june
June. Despite all my doubts this glorious month has made it’s way into this pregnancy. I wish I could go back in time, erase the uncertainty of the first 22 weeks. Talk my mind out of telling my heart not … Continue reading
her birthday style | jettie
On Saturday our sweet girl officially turned three. One, two, THREE – how is this possible? Sometimes I yearn for the itty bitty baby that we brought home not too long ago. Yet right before my eyes she is becoming … Continue reading
two for one (33 weeks)
In my younger years I was always that obnoxious kid who would write their birthday in bold letters on every single calendar months and months in advance. Clearly no one was to forget. Occasionally “my day” would fall on Mother’s … Continue reading