Category Archives: recipes
good morning valentine
We promise this will be the last post in which we gush over Valentine’s Day…until next year of course. But seriously guys, how rad is it that V-day is on a SATURDAY?! This calls for an all day celebration of … Continue reading
feta and avocado hummus dip
Green, salty and creamy. Mmmmm….does that sound appetizing or what?! To make matters worse this is kind of good for you. My apologies for posting what sounds like healthy baby poo…it is the best poo ever though. I love me … Continue reading
peanut butter no bake oatmeal bars
I took one bite of these and had that instant “what does this remind me of?” nostalgia. I still can’t figure it out. Doesn’t matter- they require zero oven time and they are yummy, that’s enough for me. This is Flour … Continue reading
vodka cream penne
The winter slump has hit our household. We are souped out, chili-ed out and ready for some fresh out of the garden fare. Unfortunately February has just begun, we have got ourselves a looooooong ways to go. It’s time to … Continue reading
red velvet cheesecake brownies
My husbands two favorite sweets, mashed into one bite. Looking for something festive for Valentine’s Day I stumbled across these and knew they were what I was looking for. As Adelynn and I whipped them together yesterday I got lost … Continue reading