Category Archives: recipes
roasted cauliflower and chickpea salad
Chickpeas and cauliflower – two of the most versatile yet underrated ingredients in the world of cooking. I am a huge fan of both but this happens to be the first time I have had them paired. The verdict…forget peas … Continue reading
raspberry s’mores pizza
Sometimes a plan gone terribly wrong becomes a new plan that goes better than anyone could have ever dreamed. Ever. That would be this pizza. I can’t even remember what I attempted to make which ultimately led me to this … Continue reading
strawberry, avocado & spinach salad with feta and poppy seed dressing
Our home is within a short walking distance to a fine foods store that has been around since forever. Jimmy’s is what we call it (the official name being Collins Fine Food) and he’s got everything we love. Wine. Got … Continue reading
coffee stout ice cream with chocolate covered pretzels
[Jettie] “We are going to make ice cream for the blog???!!!” [Me] “Yes, but it has beer in it so only adults will be able to eat it.” [Jettie] “Oh man! Why do you always make beer ice cream?” [Me] “I think … Continue reading
cherry margarita
As you can see my love for cherries has no boundaries. A mere 2 days after posting these scones I’m throwing a few Bings into a margarita. I am simply providing you guys with some options. If knock your socks … Continue reading