Category Archives: recipes
peach sangria
Sorry I am a little late on my Friday post but hopefully this sangria will make up for it. Some of you reading this may have had this yummy cocktail last night at the Hidden Spaces tour in downtown Van … Continue reading
lemon smashed potatoes
More often than not if we have potatoes on hand I will slice them up, toss with a little olive and seasonings, throw in a hot oven and feed them to the troops. It works but it can get less … Continue reading
peach crumble ice cream
Peaches again! Sorry…except that I am not. These guys are crazy yum this year, and this ice cream is to die for. To be frank, if this cream was a complete failure I would still love, love, love, love, LOVE it. Me and … Continue reading
tomato, corn & zucchini pizza
We have fresh harvest veggies in the plenty over here and I could not be more pleased about it. Every meal we grill, roast or simply eat fresh something from our loot. Last Sunday we all had pizza on the … Continue reading
charred peach cobbler
I know, I know…peaches again. What can I say other than it’s peach season and they are cheap (not to mention taste AMAZING right now). Besides, if you give this recipe ago I wouldn’t be surprised if you end up … Continue reading