Category Archives: holidays
patriotic pride for under $25
There’s still a few days left to nail down your red, white and blue look for the 4th! Here are some of my favorite patriotic dresses that are just as easy to wear as they are affordable: 1H&M wraparound dress … Continue reading
red, white & blue
It’s hard to believe that June is quickly wrapping up and next week July will be here! Here are a few fun things in our patriot shades of red, white and blue! 1. Stars and Stripes straws, perfect for your … Continue reading
these things
Fruit, books and dad pants – these things make for a happy Friday! Pineapple Rompers – fruity fashion is all the rage with pineapples being particularly popular. While I am not sure rompers will be suitable for my post-baby figure … Continue reading
national doughnut day 2014
If there was ever a good excuse to devour a doughnut it would be that it is “National Doughnut Day”. The first Friday of every June marks this sweet holiday. Powdered, glazed, topped with sprinkles – these guilty pleasures are … Continue reading
fruit salsa and cinnamon chips
My therapy lately has been books, particularly anything written by Shauna Niequest. First I read Cold Tangerines, followed by Bread and Wine, and now I am starting Bittersweet (which relates all too well to my life right now.) I loved … Continue reading