Category Archives: holidays
’tis the sparkle
It is no shocker that I love sparkle…I talk about it every single holiday after all. This year though, I seem to be in overdrive. Or perhaps obsessed. From my holiday card designs to outfit suggestions I am going all … Continue reading
tree tradition 2015
Another year, another venture to a tree farm. We were very last minute, fly out the door this time around…which is sort of perfect for us. My favorite is how differently our kids take in these traditions. Jettie loves every … Continue reading
diy bleached pine cones
My holiday decor is rather lacking of it’s normal grandeur this year. For one we have a toddler boy who has yet to grasp “no touch” or “only for looking” or “don’t throw” or “no, no, we don’t destroy things” … Continue reading
for your turkey
I believe there is some sort of law that requires people to purchase twice as much bird as their family can eat on Thanksgiving day. This of course is a good thing becasue just like chicken, turkey is incredibly versatile. … Continue reading
happy thanksgiving
This crew is my world. Grateful does not even come close to what I feel for having these souls intertwined with my own. Thankful for the silliness. Thankful for the laughter. Thankful for a house full of love. Happy Thanksgiving … Continue reading