Author Archives: prettyplainjanes
cranberry pumpkin coffee cake
I don’t know what it is about the holidays but from the moment I wake up all I want is my cup of coffee and a baked good. They say, in general, most people gain 1 pound a year from … Continue reading
update and physical therapy
Hi world! I am still alive here! Lots to catch you guys up on including a magical trip that was everything I had dreamed of and so. much. more. But first, I want to give you an update on my … Continue reading
sweater patterns
One of my favorite winter purchases last year was an oversized plaid sweater that I completely bought on one of those “oh my gosh, that’s so cute…wait, I’m buying for others not for myself…but it would be nice to have … Continue reading
spaghetti with cauliflower, pine nuts & currants
Cauliflower and spaghetti?!… Yes. Raisins too?!… You better believe it. I am well aware that this unconventional pasta dish sounds a little odd but you guys, it’s flipping delicious. There’s something about the buttery noodles, sweet raisins, pine nuts and … Continue reading
cranberry apple crisp
If you love a good fruit crisp then you have got to try this twist on a classic cranberry and apple recipe. It’s got all the standbys…tart fruit, check – cinnamon, check – oats, check. But what this one has … Continue reading