Author Archives: prettyplainjanes
wonderful eve
Our 2015 holiday greeting: (Will share more from our fun session with 180-photography soon!) Wishing all of you nothing but joy! xo, The Rammels
ways to plaid
Man-buns, beards and lumberjacks basically ruled 2015. Venture outside of your home and there’s a good chance you will spot a man, beard, black rimmed glasses and buffalo plaid (or holiday sweater, ’tis the season after all). This of course … Continue reading
christmas sangria (red)
It’s Christmas Eve and you have all the food planned and prepped. You’re feeling pretty good about yourself, imagining your guests enjoying their magical evening. It’s all fine and dandy until that slam on the breaks moment when you realize you … Continue reading
cranberry apple crockpot steel cut oats
Once again I am about 100 years late to the party but alas…I love me some steel cut oats. I wasn’t really sure what to expect. Would it be a lot like oatmeal or more like grits? It’s neither and … Continue reading
avoid the holiday weight
Do you ever read or hear something and for whatever reason it sticks with you forever? A few years ago I read that on average a person gains 1 pound over the holidays. Not bad right? Not so fast…that 1 … Continue reading