Author Archives: prettyplainjanes
raspberry souffle
This was my first go at a soufflé. I assumed it would be incredibly complicated, full of precise technique. Much to my surprise it was neither. I wouldn’t go as far as saying it is an “easy” recipe buts it’s … Continue reading
foot cream and makeup setting spray review
I am not sure 2 things could be more different as far as what they represent. That said no one likes cracked heels or smeared makeup…which is why I wanted to try these: First up the O’Keefe’s for Healthy Feet. … Continue reading
oversized outerwear
Show of hands to anyone who has seen a girl looking oh so fab in oversized outerwear but when you give it a go it feels more like overstuffed marshmallow than chic. The past 2 years I have been forcing … Continue reading
kitty cat valentine box
One of my favorite childhood memories was making what cannot be called anything other than kickass Valentine’s Day boxes with my mom. My brother and I killed the competition every single year. While I cannot remember exactly what all of … Continue reading
pear mascarpone cake
Ever take your spring form pan bottom to someone’s house, cake on top of course, and forget to take it home with you? Then for nearly a year you search your cupboards high and low wondering what on earth you … Continue reading