I don’t know about the rest of you, but I go from calm to anxious to unfocused to silly in 10 minute increments nearly 100 times a day. This unusual, uncertain time is unsettling. Yet, cocooned in our home, I am finding the gift of solidarity. Recharging. Saying no to the common everyday and yes to self reflection and family connection. Of course I have so many concerns. We have parents over 60 and beloved grandmothers in their 80s. We also have family members in the medical industry working hours that are incomprehensible to most of us. My steady business is nearly vanished and my husband’s offices are closing left and right. A month ago I would have told you I couldn’t stomach all this, but here we are. All of us. Together.
It’ll be ok.
How do I know? Because that’s what I was told when the Challenger exploded. When Timothy McVeigh blew up a building. On 9/11 when the world felt so small and scary – everything will be ok. The family business that is embedded into my entire life growing up, was blown away by a tornado, later rebuilt and crushed by a client loss. We were/are ok. It was our mantra through pregnancy losses. And every single family cancer diagnosis we’ve faced. It will all be ok.
Death, malice actions, loss and uncertainty never truly feel ok. But what exactly is the opposite of ok? What is the opposite of hope? Those are questions I do not want to answer because without hope and love and the belief that we will get through this we have nothing.
So for now – and forever – I will tell myself, my husband, my kids and all of you that it’ll be ok.

I have been inspired by so many talented individuals offering their skills to ease and perhaps bring joy to this unknown time of social distancing. Wanting to do something as well, I have created this “It’ll Be Ok” free printable to place anywhere in your home. All you need is a printer and piece of standard 8.5X11 paper. Throw it on the fridge, tape it up in the bathroom, place it in a frame for you bedside table, save it as your screensaver, send to your medical friend, show it to your grandma through the window at the nursing home, share it and share it some more… no matter what you do with it I hope the piece brings you joyful color in the midst of what can feel like dark madness.
While I have not blogged in over 18 months, I do know so many of my clients will find themselves reading this post. Thank you ALL for allowing me to dream and create for a living. I miss hearing about your events on the daily. When the sun rises and a rainbow forms over this pandemic I will be here for your parties… AND I. Can’t. Wait.
Love and hope to all of you.

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