Another year, another venture to a tree farm. We were very last minute, fly out the door this time around…which is sort of perfect for us. My favorite is how differently our kids take in these traditions. Jettie loves every bit of it from finding the perfect tree to visiting the animals. Bingham simply has a “What the hell are we doing here?” look on his face the entire time. Like I said…it’s perfect.
This time around we chose Kaleidescope Farms in Mt Cory, OH. It has a quaint, family feel with fun extras like reindeer and sleigh rides. But the best part is the setting…it’s absolutely gorgeous. If you are in the area and want to cut down your own tree we highly recommend this place.
This girl and that extra large hat (that she had to wear). She sure knows how to make her parents smile. Jettie has such a fiery soul with a heart of gold, she feels everything 100%…and those feelings are on her sleeve like a badge. Certain emotions can be challenging but when she is full of joy I swear there is no person more fun to be around.
Jettie and tree farms are a match made in heaven. I told Sticky I didn’t take too many images because Jettie and I were busy exploring. He said “That is awesome, you girls need to do that more.” He’s totally right.
We found ourselvesin a little magic before we left…snow. Just enough to catch on ones tongue. (No snow catching for Bing, he’s sticking with the “WTH” face.)
This tradition, my doesn’t get much better in my world. Thank you for divulging with me a bit. I hope you are making unforgettable memories with your loved ones this season as well!