Every year, when the weather begins to turn warm, my family heads North to a quaint island named Kelleys. She is not particularly fancy but there’s something enchanting about her quiet streets and eclectic community. This is the one place I travel where heels are more than likely left at home (but not always – wedges have a tendency to slip in from time to time). With the dress code being casual I am always trying to come up with options that are pull out of bag friendly and comfortable enough for golf cart rides and picnic table wine tastings. The maxi dress has proven to be ideal for all island situations – why they do not sell them at the ferry dock is beyond me. Perfect for chilly and hot weather, easy to layer and travels like a dream – rarely does my bag leave the house for Kelleys without one in it. Very sad to say goodbye to our first weekend on the island but already looking forward to many more maxi dress wearing lake days.
|WEARING| striped maxi dress similar/Forever 21 jean jacket/pink scarf similar/cream fedora similar/Target flats
lake wear
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