diy hand scrub

DIY_HAND_SCRUB_1This winter has wreaked havoc on my sanity, patience and most literally my skin.  Naturally I have been cursed with dry skin, with the hands being particularly prone especially this time of year.  I can’t seem to keep them moisturized let alone soft.  Tired of using lotions with ingredients I can’t pronounce let alone comprehend I turned to my kitchen for some much needed dry skin relief.  With just a handful of ingredients (all of which I already owned) my hands have went from dry and cracked to soft and smooth.


  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 1/4 cup fine sea salt
  • 1/4 cup white sugar
  • 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice


  1. Stir together honey and coconut oil in small bowl.
  2. In a separate bowl combine sugar, salt and lemon juice until crumbly.
  3. Pour sugar/salt/lemon mixture into honey/coconut oil mixture and stir to combine.
  4. Store in a small glass air tight container.

recipe from The Nourished Life

DIY_HAND_SCRUB_4To use grab a marble size amount of scrub and slather all over hands for 30 to 60 seconds (be sure to scrub in between fingers as well).  Rinse with warm water and pat dry.

The coconut oil and honey moisturize the hands while the sugar and sea salt exfoliate.  Lemon eliminates odor and leaves the hands smelling fresh and clean.

DIY_HAND_SCRUB_5This scrub is a fabulously smart way to pamper your hands without breaking the bank.  Plus you know exactly what is in it so no harsh chemicals or unknown agents going into your skin (and ultimately your body).  Also makes a quick and easy homemade gift for mom, girlfriend or anyone you want to surprise with a little something special.  It is certainly my little treasure waiting for me above the kitchen sink.  You should definitely give it a try as well!








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